
This project is abandoned and its default file will likely not work with the most recent version of Minecraft. Whether this project is out of date or its author has marked it as abandoned, this project is no longer maintained.

This plugin provides a library for commonly used Bukkit API (and not-so-API) functionalities.

I'm a server owner!

This plugin does nothing on its own, it only helps other plugins function. Easy as download and install to get it to work. The few config options are self explanatory.

I'm a developer!

Great! Add the plugin (GBukkitCore) to your depends section, add it to your build path, and you're good to go! The docs are still under construction, but the JavaDocs are very thorough. Try the Utilities class and some of the registered services to start out.

I'm looking for a maven host. If someone is willing to host me on a maven repository, please PM me.

Special Thanks

Multiple authors have some of their code included in this plugin, and I greatly appreciate their work. I have used what they originally created (I take NO CREDIT for it), put it in a single place to reference (so you don't have to update it in your plugin, and all plugins can use a single version), and added a few knick-knacks and utility methods to them.

  • nisovin: Most of InventoryMenu (I wrote CyclingInventoryMenu) and OptionClickEvent, SignGUI implementation
  • DarkBladee12: Utilities.Effects.Particle (I tweaked the overloads to have less magic values and to use my own reflection lib, but it is still his code)
  • codename_B: Majority of ChatColorPalette
  • Gravity (BukkitDev staff): BukkitDev-compliant Updater class
  • microgeek: A bit of the reflection helper class

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