
Default Configuration

#Fly Payment By AhellHound
#Default config
#If you only want one price throughout the server, then just use Tier 1
#and give that permission to everyone.
#If you don't want a group to be timed, set the FlightTimerTier(1-12) to 0.
#Timer mode "0" will remove an item from the player every "x" amount of seconds
#Timer mode "1" will cost the player one payment to fly for "x" amount of time. 
#(Timer 1 is the setting FlyPament started with when first released)

#When a player goes to ban another player (from flying), do you want to have the player be required to set a time amount?
FlyBanRequireTime: true
#If so, do you want  a limit to how long the player can ban for (in seconds)? If not, set to '0'
FlyBanMaxTime: 0
# amount of time, in seconds, the fly check timer will run
FlyCheckTimer: 1
# amount of time, in seconds, the ban check will run
BanCheckTimer: 60
#Banned fly worlds (enter EXACT world name)
# If a player's flight gets disabled for any PvP reason, how long should he be temp banned from flying for? (in SECONDS)
PvPTempBanTime: 20
#How many seconds should the fly mode one timer check all the flying player's time?
FlyModeOneTimerAmount: 2

#Permission: FlyP.Fly.1
ChargeItemNameTier1: DIAMOND
#To charge an item with NO lore, set the below lore to "-1" (Keep quotes)
ItemMetaLoreTier1: "-1"
AmountOfItemsToChargeTier1: 0
#Timer in seconds
WithdrawTimerTier1: 1
#amount of exp to charge. Use "0" to disable EXP
ChargeEXPTier1: 5
#See above for timer info
TimerModeTier1: 1
#Time in seconds players will be allowed to fly. Only use this if mode "1" is selected
TimerAmountTier1: 120

#Permission: FlyP.Fly.2
ChargeItemNameTier2: DIAMOND
#To charge an item with NO lore, set the below lore to "-1" (Keep quotes)
ItemMetaLoreTier2: "-1"
AmountOfItemsToChargeTier2: 1
#Timer in seconds
WithdrawTimerTier2: 10
#amount of exp to charge
ChargeEXPTier2: 0
#FlySpeedTier2: "0.1"
TimerModeTier2: 0
#Time in seconds players will be allowed to fly. Only use this if mode "1" is selected
TimerAmountTier2: 0

#Permission: FlyP.Fly.3
ChargeItemNameTier3: DIAMOND
#To charge an item with NO lore, set the below lore to "-1" (Keep quotes)
ItemMetaLoreTier3: "-1"
AmountOfItemsToChargeTier3: 1
#Timer in seconds
WithdrawTimerTier3: 10
#amount of exp to charge
ChargeEXPTier3: 0
#FlySpeedTier3: "0.1"
TimerModeTier3: 0
#Time in seconds players will be allowed to fly. Only use this if mode "1" is selected
TimerAmountTier3: 0

#Permission: FlyP.Fly.4
ChargeItemNameTier4: DIAMOND
#To charge an item with NO lore, set the below lore to "-1" (Keep quotes)
ItemMetaLoreTier4: "-1"
AmountOfItemsToChargeTier4: 1
#Timer in seconds
WithdrawTimerTier4: 10
#amount of exp to charge
ChargeEXPTier4: 0
#FlySpeedTier4: "0.1"
TimerModeTier4: 0
#Time in seconds players will be allowed to fly. Only use this if mode "1" is selected
TimerAmountTier4: 0

#Permission: FlyP.Fly.5
ChargeItemNameTier5: DIAMOND
#To charge an item with NO lore, set the below lore to "-1" (Keep quotes)
ItemMetaLoreTier5: "-1"
AmountOfItemsToChargeTier5: 1
#Timer in seconds
WithdrawTimerTier5: 10
#amount of exp to charge
ChargeEXPTier5: 0
#FlySpeedTier5: "0.1"
TimerModeTier5: 0
#Time in seconds players will be allowed to fly. Only use this if mode "1" is selected
TimerAmountTier5: 0

#Permission: FlyP.Fly.6
ChargeItemNameTier6: DIAMOND
#To charge an item with NO lore, set the below lore to "-1" (Keep quotes)
ItemMetaLoreTier6: "-1"
AmountOfItemsToChargeTier6: 1
#Timer in seconds
WithdrawTimerTier6: 10
#amount of exp to charge
ChargeEXPTier6: 0
#FlySpeedTier6: "0.1"
TimerModeTier6: 0
#Time in seconds players will be allowed to fly. Only use this if mode "1" is selected
TimerAmountTier6: 0

#Permission: FlyP.Fly.7
ChargeItemNameTier7: DIAMOND
#To charge an item with NO lore, set the below lore to "-1" (Keep quotes)
ItemMetaLoreTier7: "-1"
AmountOfItemsToChargeTier7: 1
#Timer in seconds
WithdrawTimerTier7: 10
#amount of exp to charge
ChargeEXPTier7: 0
#FlySpeedTier7: "0.1"
TimerModeTier7: 0
#Time in seconds players will be allowed to fly. Only use this if mode "1" is selected
TimerAmountTier7: 0

#Permission: FlyP.Fly.8
ChargeItemNameTier8: DIAMOND
#To charge an item with NO lore, set the below lore to "-1" (Keep quotes)
ItemMetaLoreTier8: "-1"
AmountOfItemsToChargeTier8: 1
#Timer in seconds
WithdrawTimerTier8: 10
#amount of exp to charge
ChargeEXPTier8: 0
#FlySpeedTier8: "0.1"
TimerModeTier8: 0
#Time in seconds players will be allowed to fly. Only use this if mode "1" is selected
TimerAmountTier8: 0

#Permission: FlyP.Fly.9
ChargeItemNameTier9: DIAMOND
#To charge an item with NO lore, set the below lore to "-1" (Keep quotes)
ItemMetaLoreTier9: "-1"
AmountOfItemsToChargeTier9: 1
#Timer in seconds
WithdrawTimerTier9: 10
#amount of exp to charge
ChargeEXPTier9: 0
#FlySpeedTier9: "0.1"
TimerModeTier9: 0
#Time in seconds players will be allowed to fly. Only use this if mode "1" is selected
TimerAmountTier9: 0

#Permission: FlyP.Fly.10
ChargeItemNameTier10: DIAMOND
#To charge an item with NO lore, set the below lore to "-1" (Keep quotes)
ItemMetaLoreTier10: "-1"
AmountOfItemsToChargeTier10: 1
#Timer in seconds
WithdrawTimerTier10: 10
#amount of exp to charge
ChargeEXPTier10: 0
#FlySpeedTier10: "0.1"
TimerModeTier10: 0
#Time in seconds players will be allowed to fly. Only use this if mode "1" is selected
TimerAmountTier10: 0

#Permission: FlyP.Fly.11
ChargeItemNameTier11: DIAMOND
#To charge an item with NO lore, set the below lore to "-1" (Keep quotes)
ItemMetaLoreTier11: "-1"
AmountOfItemsToChargeTier11: 1
#Timer in seconds
WithdrawTimerTier11: 10
#amount of exp to charge
ChargeEXPTier11: 0
#See above for timer info
TimerModeTier11: 0
#Time in seconds players will be allowed to fly. Only use this if mode "1" is selected
TimerAmountTier11: 0

#Permission: FlyP.Fly.12
ChargeItemNameTier12: DIAMOND
#To charge an item with NO lore, set the below lore to "-1" (Keep quotes)
ItemMetaLoreTier12: "-1"
AmountOfItemsToChargeTier12: 1
#Timer in seconds
WithdrawTimerTier12: 10
#amount of exp to charge
ChargeEXPTier12: 0
#See above for timer info
TimerModeTier12: 0
#Time in seconds players will be allowed to fly. Only use this if mode "1" is selected
TimerAmountTier12: 0

#Player Messages

### You MUST keep the quotation marks outside the message!
### Don't interchange the fillers. (for example, you cannot use %ItemAmount% in the 'PermissionErrorMessage')
# %player% = player who used the command (This CAN be used in any message)
# %ItemAmount% = The amount of items required to fly
# %ItemName% = The name of the item required to fly
# %RemainingEXPNeeded% = The amount of EXP needed left to fly
# %RemainingMoneyNeeded% = The amount of money needed left to fly
# %ItemChargeAmount% = The amount of items charged to fly
# %EXPChargeAmount% = The amount of EXP charged to fly
# %FlightTime% = The amount of time a player has to fly
# %MoneyNamePlural% = The plural name of your currency
# %MoneyNameSingular% = The singular name of your currency
# %timeLeftCommand% = The time left when using /fly timeleft command
# %BannedPlayerName% = The name of the player banned from flying
# %TimeBanned% = The amount of time the player is banned from flying.
# %MaxBanTime% = The max ban time set in the beggning of the config file
# %ProtectedPlayer% = The player who was not banned, because he/she had flyp.ban.protect permission
# %BannedPlayerName% = The name of the player who the command sender was trying to ban
# %IncorrectEntry% = The incorect time format the player tried to pass as a ban time
# %NotBannedPlayer% = The player the command sender tried to remove, but couldn't because he/she was not banned to begin with
# %UnbannedPlayer% = The player who was unbanned with the 'removeban' command
# %Lore% = The lore of the item being charged

#This prefix will go before all messages
MessagePrefix: "&1[&6FP&1] "

#MISC Messages
InvalidArgumentMessage: "%prefix%&cInvalid Argument!"
PlayerErrorMessage: "%prefix%&cYou must be a player!"
#Break each line with /n, and KEEP the first  ( " ) and the last ( " ). This can only be done on the message below
CommandUsageErrorMessage: "&b ========== Fly Payment ==========/n
&c/FP <On:Off> - Turns flying on and off/n
&b/FP Cost <Item:EXP> - Choose which payment is used first./n
&c/FP Ban <Player> [Time] - Adds a fly ban/n
&b/FP RemoveBan <Player> - Removes a fly ban/n
PermissionErrorMessage: "%prefix%&cYou lack the permission to do this!"
FlyingAlreadyEnabledMessage: "%prefix%&2Flying is already enabled, %player%!"
FlyingAlreadyDisabledMessage: "%prefix%&2Flying is already disabled, %player%!"
FlyingEnabledMessage: "%prefix%&2Flying Enabled, %player%."
FlyingDisabledMessage: "%prefix%&cFlying disabled. Reason: %Reason%"

#Item  and EXP messages
#Break each line with /n, and KEEP the first  ( " ) and the last ( " ). This can only be done on the message below
ItemRequirementMessage: "%prefix%&cYou need one of the following to fly: /n 
&6%ItemAmount% %ItemName% &cwith the lore &d%ItemLore%&6; &cYou have %CurrentItemAmount% &6%ItemName% /n
&6%ExpAmount% EXP; &cYou have %CurrentEXP% /n
&6%MoneyAmount% %MoneyName%; &cYou have %CurrentMoney% &c%MoneyName%"
ItemRemovedMessage: "%prefix%&cI'll take that %ItemName%, %player%."
EXPRemovedMessage: "%prefix%&c%EXPChargeAmount% has been deducted from your total experience, %player%."
MoneyRemovedMessage: "%prefix%&c%MoneyAmount% %MoneyName% has been deducted from your account, %player%."

#TimeLeftNotFlyingMessage: "%prefix%&cYou're not flying, %player%!"
FlyingHasNoTimeLimitMessage: "%prefix%&2Your flight has no time limit, %player%!"
FlyingEnabledNoTimeLimitMessage: "%prefix%&2Flying enabled, %player%. You're flight has no time limit."

#Flight ban messages
PlayerBannedCantFlyMessage: "%prefix%&cYou're banned from flying!"
FlyBanRequiredTimeMessage: "%prefix%&cYou must enter an amount of time to ban the player, %player%!"
BanAddedMessage: "%prefix%&2You've banned %BannedPlayerName% from flying for %TimeBanned%."
MaxBanTimeReachedMessage: "%prefix%&cYou've banned that player for too long! The maximum ban time is %MaxBanTime%. The player was not banned."
PlayerProtectedFromBanMessage: "%prefix%&cYou cannot ban %ProtectedPlayer%!"
PlayerOfflineMessage: "%prefix%&cCould not ban %BannedPlayerName%, because he/she is not online!"
BanTimeValidationMessage: "%prefix%&cIncorrect format '%IncorrectEntry%'. Please use 'w' for weeks, 'd' for days, 'm' for minutes, and 's' for seconds."
BanCommandUsageError: "%prefix%&c/FP ban <Player Name> <Time> (leave time empty for permanent ban)"
PlayerNotBannedMessage: "%prefix%&cPlayer %NotBannedPlayer% is not banned."
BanRemovedMessage: "%prefix%&2%UnbannedPlayer% was unbanned from the Fly Ban List."
PlayerBannedCheckMessage: "%prefix%&2%BannedPlayer% is banned for %TimeBannedFor%."
BannedPermanentlyMessage: "%prefix%&2%BannedPlayer% is permanently banned from flying."
FlyTempBanMessage: "%prefix%&cYou're temporarily banned from flying for engaging in combat while flying!"

#FreeFlight messages
FreeFlightEnabledMessage: "%prefix%&2Free Flying is enabled! Flying is enabled and free."
FreeFlightIsDisabledMessage: "%prefix%&cFree Flight is already disabled!"
FreeFlightDisabledMessage: "%prefix%&cFree Flight disabled."
FreeFlightEnabledPermanentlyMessage: "%prefix%&2Free Flight is enabled with no time limit."
FreeFlightUsageErrorMessage: "%prefix%&c/FP FreeFly <on:off> [time]"
FreeFlightEnabledTimeMessage: "%prefix%&2 Free Flight enabled for %FreeFlyTime%!"

#Charge order messages
#Each arg is the player's cost order. %arg1% is the first, %arg2% is the second, and %arg3% is the third.
costOrderCreatedMessage: "%prefix%&2You will be charged &6%arg1%&2, then &6%arg2%&2, and lastly &6%arg3%"
ChargeOrderUsageErrorMessage: "%prefix%&c/FP Cost <Item:EXP:Money> <Item:EXP:Money> <Item:EXP:Money> (<Charged First> <Charged Second> <Charged Third>)"
ChargeOrderExpMessage: "%prefix%&2Exp will be charged first when flying."
ChargeOrderItemMessage: "%prefix%&2Items will be charged first when flying."
Configuration option Explanation
FlyBanRequireTime: True When a player goes to ban another player (from flying), do you want to have the player be required to set a time amount?
FlyBanMaxTime: 0 This is the maximum amount of time a Fly Ban can be set to, in seconds. Set this to '0' to disable.
FlyCheckTimer1: 1 This is the amount of time, in seconds, the timer will check if a player is allowed to fly.
BanCheckTimer: 60 This is the amount of time, in seconds, the timer will check if a player is banned.
BannedWorlds: 0 This is the list of worlds that players are banned from flying in.
PvPTempBanTime: 20 This is the amount of time a player will be temp-banned from flying if they engage in combat. Set this to '0' to disable.
FlyModeOneTimerAmount: 2 The amount of time the plugin will check the player's fly time.
Permission: FlyP.Fly.1 If you want a group/player to use the options below that tier, (in this case, tier 1), then give them the above permission (in this case, FlyP.Fly.1)
ChargeItemNameTier1: DIAMOND This is the item Enum that will be charged when a player uses /fly on (with the permission FlyP.Fly.1)
ChargeItemMetaLoreTier1: "-1" This is the lore of the item. If this is set to "-1", then lore is disabled. Depending on the plugin handling Lores, try adding the color of the custom ore, as well as any font changes.
AmountOfItemsToChargeTier1: 2 This is the amount of items that will be charged when a player uses /fly on (with the permission FlyP.Fly.1)
WithdrawTimerTier1: 2 This is the amount of time, in seconds, players will be charged with Fly Mode 0
ChargeEXPTier1: 30 This is the amount of EXP that will be charged
TimerModeTier1: 1 This is the mode of payment for the tier
TimerAmountTier1: 120 This is the amount of time the player will be allowed to fly, if fly mode 1 is selected


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