
floAuction - In-game auction software


There are no supported versions of floAuction v3.0.x higher than 3.0.4.

floAuction provides a powerful chat based auction system with many options to help control "spam" and scams and many customizable features making it perfect for any server. Help support development of floAuction: Donate

Notable Features!

floAuction has too many customizable features to reasonably put on the main page here, but here's a list of notable ones.

  • Full language customization, even (with the use of WhatIsIt) item names themselves.
  • Auction house, silent auctions, sealed auctions, countdown suppression, individual opting-out of all auctioning, and many other "spam" limiting features!
  • Reserves funds (i.e. removes them from the player account), ability to disable auctioning damaged and renamed items, full item details displayed, and other abuse and scam prevention features!
  • Percent of winnings or price per auction taxes, limits on max's and min's of different auction aspects, banned items list and other economy protection features!
  • And, finally ss of the release of floAuction version 3: Auction scopes. The ability to designate world grouping and create multiple auction houses, each with distinct language and config settings.

A list of main features, complete, in progress, planned and under consideration can be found here. Specific per-version history can be found here. And GitHub here.

Important Notes and Disclaimers

  • Before commenting, read the FAQ!
  • This plugin requires Vault and WhatIsIt, make sure they're installed if you want floAuction to work.
  • floAuction uses PluginMetrics to create pretty graphs and charts on mcstats.org. All the data uploaded to their site is impersonal data, including version numbers of your server and floAuction, hardware capabilities, and ip info. If you are uncomfortable with this, go into your /plugins/PluginMetrics folder, change the "opt-out" value to "true" and restart your server.
  • floAuction version 3 uses gravitylow's Updater functionality. You can disable it in floAuction's config.yml by setting "auto-update" to "false" or disable it for all plugins using that code in the /plugins/Updater/config.yml by setting "disabled" to "true". This Updater functionality contacts Bukkit's servers to determine if an update is available and installs it so.
  • The GitHub for version 2 has moved to 2.x.x-archive as it is no longer under active development. The 2.x.x branch on GitHub is temporarily being used to develop version 3.
  • A number of technical difficulties have corrupted floAuction versions 2.10.0 through 2.10.2, do not use these versions!


Send me a message if you know of any videos I missed here and I'll see about getting them added.


  • /auction - Main auction interface, use "/auction ?" in-game for more information, permissions vary per functionality. Requires permission "auction.bid":
  • /auc - Shortcut for "/auction" (v2.6.0+)
  • /sealedauction same syntax as "/auction" but forces sealed auction. (v2.6.0+)
  • /sauc - Shortcut for "/sealedauction" (v2.6.0+)
  • /bid [bid amount] [max bid] - Bidding, all parameters optional. If [bid amount] is omitted, bid automatically becomes the current bid + minimum bid increment. In sealed auctions, [bid amount] is required and [max bid] is ignored.


  • auction.start - Allows creation of auctions.
  • auction.bid - Allows bidding on auctions.
  • auction.admin - Allows administrative functions including cancelling current auctions, suspending player's auction capability, pausing and restarting auctions. (default: op)

Setup and Configuration

This plugin requires Vault and WhatIsIt.

Click here to view a detailed list of all config options for floAuction version 2 and how to use them. As of the release of floAuction 3, floAuction 2 will no longer be supported. floAuction 3 has all the features that version 2 has, plus more!

Click here to see detailed configuration and setup details for floAuction 3. It is multiple pages, but if you take the time to go through it, you will discover that floAuction is by far the most powerful auction plugin available for Minecraft.

Development Participation

I sometimes upload development or "alpha" versions of my plugin to a folder on my own website. If you would like to participate in helping me make sure these major changes have been well tested before I make an official release here on Bukkit, feel free to visit http://www.flobi.com/projects/floAuction/files/ and download the most recent version available on that site. Read the readme file there before participating. I recommend against using any of these files for any server where you need to guarantee up-time or functionality, but only on development or test servers. If you choose to use these against this recommendation, do so at your own risk (though technically it's your own risk in any case, lol, I'm not guaranteeing anything).




Sometimes I post development stuff here: https://twitter.com/flobiKenobi

I don't always play Minecraft, but when I do, I play on:

Aerial Heights

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