Five Nights at Freddy's In Minecraft


Release page for Japanese is here.


This is a respect game of Five Nights at Freddy's.

  • At first, the roles (Players, Freddy, Bonnie, Chica, and Foxy) are assigned from the entrants.
  • If players can survive by the end of night (6:00 AM), players team wins.
  • If all players are captured by Freddy's side, Freddy's team wins.

This plugin supports Bukkit 1.7.x and Bukkit 1.8.x.

Player team side rules

In this game, Players can move in the map. This game is like a tag game.
Survive from the Freddy's team.
You can use the following three items.

  • Flash light : You can check the around of you.
  • Rader : You can check whether there are Freddy's members or not.
  • Shutter : You can be invisible and Freddy's team members cannot catch you, but your battery decreases faster.

Exp bar is displayed the remaining battery.
If your battery is empty, you will be attacked from Freddy's...

Freddy team side rules

At the start of the game, the plugin selects four players at random. These players will be Freddy, Bonnie, Chica, and Foxy.
Freddy's members, please caught the players by clicking.
Freddy's members have the following special skills.

  • Freddy:
    At Night1 and Night2, Freddy cannot move, but Freddy can teleport and attack to a battery empty player.
    From Night3, Freddy can move normally.
  • Bonnie:
    Bonnie can move normally from Night1. He is very slower at first night, but he will be faster after that.
  • Chica:
    Almost same as Bonnie, but she can make a sound and intimidate the players.
  • Foxy:
    Foxy cannot move, but he can move very fast by using his item in fixed period.
  • FredBear:
    You can use FredBear in 1on1 game. FredBear can use fast-move skill, threaten skill, and teleport skill to a battery empty player.

Screen Shots

CraftBukkit 1.8 or later, at the start of the game, the game announce will be displayed at the Title part.
In CraftBukkit 1.7.x, it will be displayed in the chat field.



How to use

Please make the map data of FNAF game by your self.

Put the plugin into "plugins" folder of CraftBukkit.
Before of starting game, please do the following seven location setup in your map data.

  • /fn set lobby - lobby (This location is the return point at the end of game.)
  • /fn set player - the Players team members respawn point.
  • /fn set specrate - the spectators respawn point.
  • /fn set freddy - Freddy's respawn point.
  • /fn set chica - Chica's respawn point.
  • /fn set bonnie - Bonnie's respawn point.
  • /fn set foxy - Foxy's respawn point.


Command is "/fnaf", you can use the alias "/fn" also.
The command permission is "fnafim.(sub command name)", ex) "fnafim.join"

Generally commands

  • /fn join - Join to the opened game.
  • /fn leave - Leave from the opened game. (You cannot leave from the started game.)
  • /fn spectate - Join the game as the spectator. You can leave the game by running this command again.
  • /fn info - Show the game information.
  • /fn ranking - Show the score ranking.

Admin commands

  • /fn open - Open the new game, and take the participation player.
  • /fn close - Cancel the opened game.
  • /fn start - Start the opened game. It will run continuously, from Night1 to Night5.
  • /fn start night6 - Start the opened game, by using Night6 configuration.
  • /fn start night7 - Start the opened game, by using Night7 (Custom Night) configuration.
  • /fn cancel - Cancel the started game.
  • /fn reserve (player) - Reserve the specified player as participate from next Night.
  • /fn set lobby - Set the lobby location.
  • /fn set player - Set the players respawn location.
  • /fn set spectate - Set the spectators respawn location.
  • /fn set freddy - Set Freddy's respawn location.
  • /fn set chica - Set Chica's respawn location.
  • /fn set bonnie - Set Bonnie's respawn location.
  • /fn set foxy - Set Foxy's respawn location.
  • /fn sign - Register new "join sign".
  • /fn sign remove - Remove "join sign".
  • /fn switch (arena name) - Switch arena setting to the specified arena name.
  • /fn switch default - Switch arena setting to default.
  • /fn switch random - Switch arena setting randomly.
  • /fn switch - Show the currently arena setting.
  • /fn reload - Reload all configuration files.


# FiveNightAtFreddysInMinecraft v0.9.0
# @author     ucchy
# @license    LGPLv3
# @copyright  Copyright ucchy 2015

# =============== Common Settings ===============

# Message language.
lang: en

# Min player num.
minPlayers: 2

# Max player num.
maxPlayers: 64

# Real time seconds per one hour in game.
# If you set 60 seconds, one night will be 360 seconds (= 60sec X 6hours).
secondsOfOneHour: 60

# Interval seconds between previous night and next night.
secondsOfNightInterval: 15

# =============== Auto Start Settings ===============

# Use auto start timer, or not.
autoStartTimer: false

# Player num to start the timer.
# If you set 2, and two players join to game, the timer will start automatically.
autoStartTimerPlayerNum: 2

# The seconds of auto start timer.
# If you set 15, the game will start after 15 seconds.
autoStartTimerSeconds: 15

# If the arena setting is more than one, when opening new game session automatically,
# you can specify whether randomly switch the arena setting.
autoStartTimerRandomArenaSwitch: true

# =============== Players' Settings ===============

# Battery decreasement per second.
batteryDecreasePerSecond: 0.14

# Battery decreasement per second by using flash light.
batteryFlashLightPerSecond: 0.2

# Battery decreasement per using rader.
batteryRaderPerUse: 1.0

# Battery decreasement per second by using shutter.
batteryShutterPerSecond: 0.67

# Rader search range. Default is 15 meters.
raderSearchingRange: 15

# Player logout tracking seconds.
# If a player log out in midway of game, and expire this time, that player will lose.
playerLogoutTrackingSeconds: 20

# =============== Freddy's Characters Settings ===============

# Movement speed settings of Night1.
# You can set each character's movement speeds, -99(cannot move) or from -5 to 5.
# Foxy cannot move always, except using movement item.
# foxyMovement is the number of times the Foxy can act per night,
# feadbearMovement is the number of times the FredBear can use speed-up per night,
#   you can set -1(cannot move) or 0(random), or from 1 to 5.
  freddy: -99
  chica: -3
  bonnie: -3
  foxy: 1
  fredbear: -1
  foxyMovement: 1
  fredbearMovement: 1

# Movement speed settings of Night2.
  freddy: -99
  chica: -2
  bonnie: -2
  foxy: 1
  fredbear: -1
  foxyMovement: 1
  fredbearMovement: 1

# Movement speed settings of Night3.
  freddy: -1
  chica: -1
  bonnie: -1
  foxy: 2
  fredbear: 0
  foxyMovement: 2
  fredbearMovement: 2

# Movement speed settings of Night4.
  freddy: 0
  chica: 0
  bonnie: 0
  foxy: 3
  fredbear: 0
  foxyMovement: 3
  fredbearMovement: 2

# Movement speed settings of Night5.
  freddy: 1
  chica: 1
  bonnie: 1
  foxy: 3
  fredbear: 1
  foxyMovement: 3
  fredbearMovement: 2

# Movement speed settings of Night6.
  freddy: 2
  chica: 2
  bonnie: 2
  foxy: 4
  fredbear: 2
  foxyMovement: 4
  fredbearMovement: 3

# Movement speed settings of custom night (Night7).
  freddy: 4
  chica: 4
  bonnie: 4
  foxy: 5
  fredbear: 3
  foxyMovement: 5
  fredbearMovement: 4

# Foxy movable time seconds per using an item.
foxyMovementSeconds: 15

# Chica threat Cooldown time.
chicaThreatCooldownSeconds: 20

# The speed up amount of FredBear's speed up skill.
fredbearSpeedUp: 3

# =============== Score Settings ===============

# Score that a player wins a night.
scorePlayerOverNight: 3

# Score that an Animatronics catches a guard.
scoreAnimatronicsCatch: 1

# =============== Armor Contents Settings ===============

# Armor contents settings of Animatronics. These settings are only for looks.
# If you want to use 3D resource pack, please use this setting section.
# If you want to know the item names, please refer the following URL.

  helmet: 'LEATHER_HELMET'
  chestplate: 'LEATHER_CHESTPLATE'
  leggings: 'LEATHER_LEGGINGS'
  boots: 'LEATHER_BOOTS'
  helmet: 'GOLD_HELMET'
  chestplate: 'GOLD_CHESTPLATE'
  leggings: 'GOLD_LEGGINGS'
  boots: 'GOLD_BOOTS'
  helmet: 'DIAMOND_HELMET'
  chestplate: 'DIAMOND_CHESTPLATE'
  leggings: 'DIAMOND_LEGGINGS'
  boots: 'DIAMOND_BOOTS'
  helmet: 'IRON_HELMET'
  chestplate: 'IRON_CHESTPLATE'
  leggings: 'IRON_LEGGINGS'
  boots: 'IRON_BOOTS'
  helmet: 'LEATHER_HELMET'
  chestplate: 'LEATHER_CHESTPLATE'
  leggings: 'LEATHER_LEGGINGS'
  boots: 'LEATHER_BOOTS'

# =============== Sound Settings ===============

# Using flash light.
soundUseFlashLight: 'CLICK'

# Using rader.
soundUseRader: 'IRONGOLEM_HIT-1.0-0.7'

# Using shutter.
soundUseShutter: 'WITHER_SHOOT-1.0-1.0'

# Using foxy movement item.
soundFoxyMovement: 'ZOMBIE_REMEDY-1.0-1.0'

# Freddy's teleport sound.
# All player can hear this sound.
# # Please change Freddy's music box sound by using Minecraft Resource Pack. :)
soundFreddyTeleport: 'ENDERMAN_TELEPORT-1.0-0.8,BLAZE_BREATH-1.0-0.5,ENDERMAN_DEATH'

# Starting Night.
soundNightStart: 'LEVEL_UP-0.8-0.5,ZOMBIE_UNFECT-1.0-0.8,BLAZE_BREATH-1.0-0.5'

# Ending Night.
# # Please change Applause + Yeaaaaahhh!!!! sound by using Minecraft Resource Pack. :)
soundNightEnd: 'ENDERDRAGON_DEATH-0.4-2.0'

# Caught player.
soundPlayerCaught: 'GHAST_SCREAM-1.0-0.5,FIREWORK_LARGE_BLAST-1.0-0.5'

# Chica threaten.
soundChicaThreat: 'GLASS,ZOMBIE_UNFECT-1.0-0.8,IRONGOLEM_DEATH-0.7-1.0-3'

Source Code

Source codes managed in Github.

These codes licensed under LGPLv3.


Five Nights at Freddy's is the game of Scott Cawthon.
This plugin is not related with Scott Cawthon.

This game rule is made by Ran Yuune.
This plugin and logo are developed by Ucchy.


If you have found any bugs, please report it to this page.
If you can make the map to use freely, please give it us. I will show your map on this page.


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