
FancyWorld Configuration

Version 1.0.2

Automatically download and implement newer versions of the plugin without the hard work of coming to the page everytime!

Enable auto-updating. (This feature is currently in experimental mode.)

auto-update: true

Not many languages are supported, but you're welcome to ask for more.

Current Supported languges: en_US

language: en_US

Will always change when updated or changed back when changed by you.

version: *What ever version you're using goes here*

Fancy Biomes


The max range a player with the valid permissions can use with the /fancyw setbiome <biome> [range] command. CAN CAUSE LAG

max-range: 50

FancyWorld Brush

The configuration for the brushes


Allow brushes to be created and used or not enable: true

Max size of the brush. High numbers CAN CAUSE LAG

max-range: 5


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