
FancyText v 1.2.1

Description: If you are like me, you jumped on the minecraft wiki to see the new update. You couldn't believe your eyes when you saw bold, underlined, italicized, and strikethrough text!! But wait.. it said that you cannot do this on vanilla client ;(. So, I took the initiative to bring everyone a plugin working with 1.2.4 to allow you to talk in bold [U]underlined[/U] [I]italicized [/I]and [S]strikethrough[/S] text! Now, with v 1.2, you can format text on signs, and to make it even beter, you can get players to click links through signs and buttons!!

( How do I do this? It's simple really, you put an & and then the color code you want to use. Color codes stack, so you can have bold green text. To reset all of these styles you do &r. &0 - Black

&1 - Navy Blue

&2 - Dark Green

&3 - Dark Teal

&4 - Dark Red (maroon)

&5 - Purple

&6 - Gold

&7 - Gray

&8 - Dark Gray

&9 - Blue

&a - Green

&b - Aqua

&c - Red

&d - Pink

&e - Yellow

&f - White

&l - Bold

&m - Strikethrough

&n - Underline

&o - Italicize

&r - Reset (this will remove all color bold etc) Note: These colors are the same for signs!

Links?: So what do I mean by send players links? When a player right clicks a sign that you have set, it will send them a message that you have configured. This can be found in the config.yml. All you have to do is enter a simple command, /setsignlink , and then right click the sign you want the player to click, and boom it will setup! All of the signs are found in the config :). The sign can have ANY text on it, and you can remove the sign without removing the link. If you want to setup a different link, you just enter the same command again and right click! Simple! Then the player right clicks the sign, and it sends them the message you have configured NOTE: Use %l for link in the config.yml. The same method goes for using buttons :). PLEASE NOTE: If you want your link to be underlined, you must put a space between the &n and the link!



/setsignlink - This sets the link for the sign that you right click :).

/editsign <line> - Allows you to edit a line on a sign (incase you messup ;)).

/smotd <motd> - Set the MOTD for your server ingame... with COLORS!



FancyText.use - Allow a person to use FancyText. FancyText.setlink - Allow a person to set a link on a sign.


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Mar 31, 2012
  • Last Released File
    Jun 29, 2013
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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