
Plugin Nolonger Discontinued
The plugin will be updated to every new version and I do accept suggestions!


FakeLogin is a lightweight Plugin which allows you to send fake leave/join messages, to trick people into thinking that you logged in or out.
This plugin works best with a Vanish plugin. Like the /vanish command in Essentials.

Ever tried where you vanished and people noticed that it didn't say you logged off? That can now be fixed!

How To Use
Type /fakeleave or /fakejoin and the server will send a fake leave or join message, after that you can vanish and people will think you're gone.
I will hopefully upload a video showing it soon.

How To Install
Drag and drop the .jar file into your plugins folder.

/fakeleave - Send fake leave message - Permission node: fakelogin.fakeleave
/fakejoin - Send fake join message - Permission node: fakelogin.fakejoin
/fakejoin <PlayerName>- Send fake join message of the name - Permission node: fakelogin.fakejoin.other
/fakeleave <PlayerName>- Send fake join message of the name - Permission node: fakelogin.fakeleave.other
Customizable fakeleave/fakejoin messages! So if you use a custom leave/join messages plugin, you can still use this!

Known Bugs
None so far!
If you find any bugs feel free to tell me.

This plugin uses MCStats/Plugin Metrics!
If you're wondering, what is this? Very simple! This plugin gathers the following information > how many servers are using the plugin and how many players are on those servers in total, nothing else! Gathered information gets sent to mcstats.org where I can keep track of how many servers are using my plugins.

Metrics does not download any files to install itself. It is bundled directly with the plugin and reads from the same config file as every other metrics-enabled plugin. If you do not want information to be gathered, you can disable this in the opt-out section inside plugins/Plugin Metrics/config.yml
All information about this can be found here : https://bukkit.org/threads/mcstats-plugin-metrics-r7-easy-advanced-plugin-statistics.77352/


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Mar 31, 2013
  • Last Released File
    Apr 22, 2015
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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