

Everyone Utilities provides a simple way of performing an action that takes effect on every player on the entire server. One command will take action on every player that is currently online on the server. So for example, if you do /EveryoneUtilities givexp 50, it would give 50 xp levels to every player that is currently online. With Everyone Utilities , what normally would take constant repeating of commands is put together into one command.


Simply place EveryoneUtilities.jar into your plugins folder and everything will be generated for you. If you want economy support for giving money, taking money, or setting player money balance, then you must install Vault: Vault Please note that the default config.yml file does not contain anything as of now, but soon will for more configurable options!

Commands and Permissions

/eu helpDisplays help for Everyone Utilitieseu.help
/eu setbalanceSet the balance of every player onlineeu.setbalance
/eu setxpSet the xp level of every player onlineeu.setxp
/eu sethealthSet the health of every player onlineeu.sethealth
/eu takehealthTake health away from every player onlineeu.takehealth
/eu takeitemsTake items from every player onlineeu.takeitems
/eu takexpTake xp levels from every player onlineeu.takexp
/eu freezeFreeze every player onlineeu.freeze
/eu unfreezeUnFreeze every player onlineeu.freeze
/eu commandForce every player online to do a commandeu.runcommand
/eu killKill every player onlineeu.kill
/eu teleportTeleport every player online to your locationeu.teleport
/eu givemoneyGive money to every player onlineeu.givemoney
/eu givexpGive xp to every player onlineeu.givexp
/eu healHeal every player onlineeu.heal
/eu giveitems (item id)Give items to every player onlineeu.giveitems
/everyoneutilitiesReplacement command for /euno permission

Use permission node eu.* to give all permissions! (Recommended only for Admins)


  • Item names instead of item ids for giving or taking items
  • Give and take permission nodes from all players
  • Custom messages
  • Ignore specific player(s) when doing task
  • Items with data (example: item 35:5 is Lime Wool) for giving or taking items
  • Whatever you think should be added :)

Source Code

You can view the source code here: GitHub

About me

I am a Java/bukkit developer in the learning process! I enjoy creating plugins and helping others, so if you need help, or want me to make a plugin send me a message! I created this plugin because I used to own a server and every now and then there would be a hacker or two who completely ruined the servers economy by hacking money. As a result of this we had to reset everyone's balance to 0, and this plugin would have been very helpful. You can check out my YouTube channel here. So let me know what you think, and if you have any recommendations or issues with this plugin please feel free to comment below!

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