
The Config consist of the followin parts:

The vanilla sounds, in case you don't want to add custom ones (Use the "Sound Events" as "SOUND")

endstreak_onteleport: BOOLEAN
Reset the killstreak when a player gets teleported if set to true

endstreak_onworldchange: BOOLEAN
Reset the killstreak when a player changes the world if set to true

soundsperplayer: NUMBER
This is a sound limiter. For each sound a user plays his count decreases by 1. As the counter reaches 0 the user can't play any more sounds.
Every our the counter will increase by one again in order to keep it fun :)

soundcooldown: SECONDS
This is to prevent sound from overlapping. In case you don't care you may set this to 0.

globaljoin: SOUND
This will direct to the sound that will be played for players not listed in joinsounds when they join your server

hotbarscroll: SOUND
This sound will be played to the player when scrolling through his item-hotbar

teleport_away: SOUND
The sound that will be played at the location the player left

teleport_here: SOUND
The sound that will be played at the location the player teleports to

joinsound_delay: NUMBER
The delay in ticks the joining player has to wait in order to hear his own sound.
This may be importand as teleport, and resourcepack checking and various other things may stopp the sound before it even started

As UUID joins the server the sound will be played to all clients
Get a UUID using a UUID finder. Please note it hast to be formatted like this:
(For the 1.7.2 Version basicly use the Nickname)

The specified sound will be player as the player writes the label to the chat.

This is the same as saysound but you'll nedd the permission 'eventsounds.admin' to be able to play those sounds

suicide: SOUND
This will direct to the sound that will be played as a player dies in the world (no pve / no pvp / 0.1d+)

As a player reaches the number of kills, the sound will be played

killstreak_playto: NUMBER
This defines, who is able to hear a killstreak sound
0 means the killer only
1 is the killer and his victim
2 will play the sound to all players on the server

If a player does multiple kills within some seconds this sound will be played.
Number is the ammound of kills he did within the time.
The time will cound again after the player made a kill.

multikills_playto: NUMBER
The same as killstreak_playto

multikills_timeut: SECONDS
The seconds within you need to make the next kill to get a multikill

This links a sound to a label ready for use with the api

Please note: SOUND means the name as specified in the sounds.json. You may as well use the default Minecraft-sounds.

Example config:

# _playto: 0 = trigger, 1 = both, 2 = all
endstreak_onteleport: false
endstreak_onworldchange: false
soundsperplayer: 8
soundcooldown: 60
hotbarscroll: es.misc.hotbar
teleport_away: es.misc.tpaway
teleport_here: es.misc.tphere
joinsound_delay: 100
- b5526dce-3454-4da8-b434-9b0eedf6ac8c:es.join.DosMike
- chicken:es.say.chicken
- bye:es.say.bye
- doh:es.say.doh
- haha:es.say.haha
- hallo:es.say.hello
- noob:es.say.noob
- shutup:es.say.shutup
- wazup:es.say.wazup
suicide: es.misc.suicide
- 6:es.killstreak.rampage
- 7:es.killstreak.killingspree
- 8:es.killstreak.dominating
- 9:es.killstreak.unstoppable
- 10:es.killstreak.megakill
- 11:es.killstreak.ultrakill
- 12:es.killstreak.ludicrous
- 13:es.killstreak.headhunter
- 14:es.killstreak.whicked
- 16:es.killstreak.holyshit
- 17:es.killstreak.godlike
killstreak_playto: 2
- 2:es.multi.double
- 3:es.multi.tripple
- 4:es.multi.multi
multikills_playto: 1
multikills_timeout: 3
- menuexit:es.misc.menuexit
- menuselect:es.misc.menuselect
- votestart:es.misc.votestart
- voteend:es.misc.voteend

Please don't forget to create a translation.yml

This second config will hold your translations. Example given:

reloading: Reloading EventSounds...
reloaddone: Done
mutesay: "You won't hear SaySounds"
unmutesay: "You'll now hear SaySounds"
mutekill: "You won't hear your KillStreaks"
unmutekill: "You'll now hear your KillStreaks"
esargs: 'Use the Arguments: <mute|unmute> <SaySounds|KillStreaks>'
unlimitedsounds: You have unlimited sounds
soundcount: You got [s1] sounds left
nomoresound: You played all sounds.
spamwarn: "Please don't spam sounds ([s1] seconds)!"
environment: the environment
suicide: '[s1] could not stand the pressure'
killstreak_shutdown: '[s1] was shut down by [s2]'
- 6:[s1] is on rampage
- 7:[s1] is on killingspree
- 8:[s1] is dominating
- 9:[s1] is unstoppable
- 10:[s1] got a mega kill
- 11:[s1] got an ultra kill
- 12:[s1] got a ludicrous kill
- 13:[s1] is a headhunter
- 14:[s1] got a wicked sick
- 15:[s1] got a monsterkill
- 16:[s1] got a holyshit
- 17:[s1] is godlike
- 2:[s1] got a doublekill
- 3:[s1] got a triplekill
- 4:[s1] got a multikill


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