
#          Server Essentials          
#            Version: 1.0             
#      Plugin Coded By: AdityaTD      
# AdityaTD YouTube:            

# More features are coming soon! Please Stay tuned for updates.

# Set player gameomde to Adventure once the player joins!
adventure-mode-onjoin: true

# Clear the player's inventory once the player joins!
clear-inventory-onjoin: true

# Spawn players to the location you set once they join the server.
force-spawn-onjoin: true

# Tell players if a player has joined!
disable-join-msg: true

# Tell players if a player has left!
disable-quit-msg: true

# Disable Mob Spawning on the server!
disable-spawn-mob: true

# Stop players from dropping items!
disable-item-drop: true

# Stop players from picking up items!
disable-item-pickup: true

# Stop players to break blocks!
disable-break-block: true

# Stop players from placing blocks!
disable-place-block: true

# Stop players from PVP!
pvp-disabled: true

# Disable players to move item's in their inventory!
disable-inv-movement: true

# Disable Hunger so players don't need food anymore!
disable-hunger: true

# Health Always stay full!
invincible: true

# You can use color codes in your text! Color Codes can be found here: 

# Titles and Sub Title which would be shown when players join the server.
title-enabled: true
title: '&eWelcome'
sub-title: '&b%player% &cto the server!'

# Tab Text which players would have.
tab-enabled: true
tab-header: '&6EssentialsHub+'
tab-footer: '&aVersion: 0.2 | By: AdityaTD'