Entei's Inventory Manager


Entei's Inventory Manager

With this plugin, you can manage what inventory is loaded for your players when they join/visit another world. You can configure this plugin to load the individual players' inventory for each world, or you can set up what inventory is loaded for which world in the config.yml. This plugin will save and load all current Minecraft items, such as enchanted items, items with custom names, items with lore, and books. Other optional features include: Make players load certain saved gamemodes; Configure how the inventory data is saved(Beta)


  • Saved files are HUMAN READABLE, meaning you can edit them and/or modify them with another plugin!
  • Saves and loads all kinds of item data(Books, lores, item names, damage values, enchantments[unsafe ones too!], you name it, we got it covered!)
  • Choose what inventories are loaded for the player(per world inventories, or shared-world inventories with certain worlds excluded optionally)
  • The players' normal inventory will be saved/loaded when necessary
  • The players' enderchest(can be opened with a command, if the player has permission, or the player can obtain an enderchest like normal)
  • Extra double-chest sized inventories per-player(players can be given permission for a command to view and edit these)
  • ALL of the above features with optional gamemode-specific inventories! This means that you could have players in survival on one world, then they somehow obtain creative or adventure, and their inventory for their old gamemode is saved, and their new gamemode is loaded/created! This would be useful for adventure maps, when players only need to have certain inventories at certain times.
  • Plugin can save/load the following:
  1. Per-world inventories(each world has its own inventory) OR
  2. Combined world inventories(world_a and world_c could share an inventory, whilst world_b would be all alone, this is configurable)
  • Effects are saved(optionally) with gamemode and world inventories, as well as experience, health & hunger(&food exhaustion).
  • Player health is able to be manipulated via commands in game by a player with permission or an operator.
  • Player health and hunger/hunger_saturation can be (optionally)saved along with gamemode and world inventories. Also, I'm working on a /save_inv <custom_name> and /load_inv <custom_name> that will allow you to save your inventory, health, exp, hunger, hunger exhaustion level, etc. for Version 0.52! All optionally per-gamemode and/or per world, of course.
  • More to come!

Upcoming Features

  • [Version 0.6]Ability to choose what players are allowed to have what item(for example, eim.allowitem.ID.PlayerName or eim.denyitem.ID.PlayerName)
  • [Version 0.6]Use an in-game command to help handle who can view your inventory. For example:
    • /invperm {give|take} {view|edit} [gamemode] [worldName] {inv|ender|extra} {playerName} So, with that usage, the following command would allow joeBob to view(only view, not edit) Notch's survival ender chest for the world 'pvpWorld':
    • /invperm give joeBob view survival pvpWorld ender Notch ...and this would take joeBob's ability to view that inventory away again:
    • /invperm take joeBob view survival pvpWorld ender Notch To allow someone to edit an inventory, use the edit argument instead of the view one.
  • [Version 0.6]Plugin API to be implemented allowing control of online and offline player's saved inventory data. For example, this function in particular would allow you to open the extra chest of someone who is not logged on: MainInvClass.openOfflinePlayerInventory(Player targetPlayer, String uuid/playerName, String invType, GameMode gm, World world);
  • More to come!

Note: If you run a server with this plugin, I'd love to test it out with you! If you would like to do this, you can contact me @ [email protected], pm me here, or find Brian_Entei on Google+.


Commands, usages, and command permissions are in the plugin.yml. Here is a copy of that section:

/eim: Master command for this plugin.
    Permission: eim.cmd.use.eim
    Usage: /eim {info|save|reload}
    Aliases: /enteisinventorymanager
/setmaxhealth: Operator's command to increase the amount of health target player can have. Requires permission to use.
    Permission: eim.cmd.use.setmaxhealth
    Usage: /setmaxhealth [target] amount OR /setmaxhealth -add [target] amount
/view: Allows players to view either their own or another players: inventory, enderchest, or extra chest inventory.
    Permission: eim.cmd.use.view
    Usage: /view [survival|creative|adventure] {inv|ender|extra} or /view {playerName} [survival|creative|adventure] {inv|ender|extra}
/invperm: Lets you control who can view your inventories.
    Permission: "eim.cmd.use.invperm"
    Usage: /invperm {give|take} {view|edit} {inv|ender|extra|armorinv|armourinv} {playerName} or /invperm {give|take} {view|edit} {gamemode} {worldName} {inv|ender|extra|armorinv|armourinv} {playerName} [ownerName]


Here is the list of permissions, from the plugin.yml(copy and paste it into wordpad if it looks scrappy here):

    description: "Gives access to all permissions, commands, and abilites pertaining to this plugin."
        description: "Gives permission to use the /eim command."
        description: "Gives permission to use the /view command."
        description: "Gives permission to use the /setmaxhealth command."
#      eim.cmd.use.viewoffline:
#        description: "Gives permission to use the /viewoffline command."
        description: "Gives permission to use the /invperm command."
        description: "Gives permission to use the /disown command."
        description: "Gives permission to use the /claimitem command."
        description: "Gives permission to view another person's inventory, if they have that person's permission as well."
        description: "Gives permission to view anyone's inventory(of any type), regardless of their permissions."
            description: "Gives permission to view PLAYERNAME's inventory, but only when the per-gamemode and per-world saving modes are disabled."
            description: "Gives permission to view PLAYERNAME's GAMEMODE inventory, but only when the per-world saving mode is disabled."
            description: "Gives permission to view PLAYERNAME's inventory in the world WORLDNAME, but only when the per-gamemode saving mode is disabled."
            description: "Gives permission to view PLAYERNAME's GAMEMODE inventory in the world WORLDNAME."

            description: "Gives permission to view PLAYERNAME's ender chest, but only when the per-gamemode and per-world saving modes are disabled."
            description: "Gives permission to view PLAYERNAME's GAMEMODE ender chest, but only when the per-world saving mode is disabled."
            description: "Gives permission to view PLAYERNAME's ender chest in the world WORLDNAME, but only when the per-gamemode saving mode is disabled."
            description: "Gives permission to view PLAYERNAME's GAMEMODE ender chest in the world WORLDNAME."

            description: "Gives permission to view PLAYERNAME's extra chest, but only when the per-gamemode and per-world saving modes are disabled."
            description: "Gives permission to view PLAYERNAME's GAMEMODE extra chest, but only when the per-world saving mode is disabled."
            description: "Gives permission to view PLAYERNAME's extra chest in the world WORLDNAME, but only when the per-gamemode saving mode is disabled."
            description: "Gives permission to view PLAYERNAME's GAMEMODE extra chest in the world WORLDNAME."

            description: "Gives permission to view PLAYERNAME's armour inventory, but only when the per-gamemode and per-world saving modes are disabled."
            description: "Gives permission to view PLAYERNAME's GAMEMODE armour inventory, but only when the per-world saving mode is disabled."
            description: "Gives permission to view PLAYERNAME's armour inventory in the world WORLDNAME, but only when the per-gamemode saving mode is disabled."
            description: "Gives permission to view PLAYERNAME's GAMEMODE armour inventory in the world WORLDNAME."

        description: "Gives permission to edit another person's inventory, if they have that person's permission as well."
        description: "Gives permission to edit anyone's inventory(of any type), regardless of their permissions."
            description: "Gives permission to view PLAYERNAME's inventory, but only when the per-gamemode and per-world saving modes are disabled."
            description: "Gives permission to view PLAYERNAME's GAMEMODE inventory, but only when the per-world saving mode is disabled."
            description: "Gives permission to view PLAYERNAME's inventory in the world WORLDNAME, but only when the per-gamemode saving mode is disabled."
            description: "Gives permission to edit PLAYERNAME's GAMEMODE inventory in the world WORLDNAME."

            description: "Gives permission to view PLAYERNAME's ender chest, but only when the per-gamemode and per-world saving modes are disabled."
            description: "Gives permission to view PLAYERNAME's GAMEMODE ender chest, but only when the per-world saving mode is disabled."
            description: "Gives permission to view PLAYERNAME's ender chest in the world WORLDNAME, but only when the per-gamemode saving mode is disabled."
            description: "Gives permission to edit PLAYERNAME's GAMEMODE ender chest in the world WORLDNAME."

            description: "Gives permission to view PLAYERNAME's extra chest, but only when the per-gamemode and per-world saving modes are disabled."
            description: "Gives permission to view PLAYERNAME's GAMEMODE extra chest, but only when the per-world saving mode is disabled."
            description: "Gives permission to view PLAYERNAME's extra chest in the world WORLDNAME, but only when the per-gamemode saving mode is disabled."
            description: "Gives permission to edit PLAYERNAME's GAMEMODE extra chest in the world WORLDNAME."

            description: "Gives permission to view PLAYERNAME's armour inventory, but only when the per-gamemode and per-world saving modes are disabled."
            description: "Gives permission to view PLAYERNAME's armour inventory, but only when the per-world saving mode is disabled."
            description: "Gives permission to view PLAYERNAME's armour inventory in the world WORLDNAME, but only when the per-gamemode saving mode is disabled."
            description: "Gives permission to edit PLAYERNAME's GAMEMODE armour inventory in the world WORLDNAME."


Download link for all files: http:dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/enteis-inventory-manager/files/ Download latest file(zip): http:dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/enteis-inventory-manager/files/11-1-7-2-enteis-inventory-manager-v0-5-zip/


Just drag both the jar file and the "Entei's Plugin Library.jar" from the download link into your server's plugins folder. Be sure to download the latest .zip/jars to get all of the required files!


The config.yml file template is here, be sure to follow it:

# Important! Make sure this config.yml file's version setting matches the version of the plugin!
version: "0.5"

# This allows debugging messages to be sent to the console when the 
# plugin is being used. May spam console with many messages.
# Default: false
showDebugMsgs: false

# Enable this if you don't want any worlds to share inventories, or 
# disable it if you do.
# Enabling this disables the "Inventory Listing Section" entirely.
# Default: true
worldsHaveSeparateInventories: true

# This tells the plugin that you want the players' inventories to be
# separated by gamemode for each world.
# Set it to true: inventories will be per-gamemode as well as your
# setting of "worldsHaveSeparateInventories".
# Set it to false: Default Minecraft behavior(gamemodes are ignored)
# and your setting of "worldsHaveSeparateInventories".
# Default: false
loadByGameMode: false

# The following is a new feature that allows you to be able to tell what item
# belongs to which player. Set "enableItemOwnership: true" if you want
# to enable this feature.
# Set "saveItemOwnership: true" if you would like the ownership of items
# to be saved after logout or server restart.
# Set "overwriteItemOwnershipOnObtain: true" if you want the ownership
# of an item to be set as the player that obtains the item(even if the
# item is owned by someone else). Setting this setting to false
# and the first two settings to true will make all items have permanent
# ownership settings until the item is crafted-with, used,
# or destroyed. Dropping the item(or dying with it) will not reset the
# ownership, so players who die will leave proof of ownership in their items,
# so that if another player comes along to pick it up, you can
# set "allowItemStealing: false" to prevent that player from 'stealing'.
# Note that setting "overwriteItemOwnershipOnObtain: true" will
# disable the "allowItemStealing" setting(by setting it to true automatically).
# Set "removeOwnerOnClick: true" to make the plugin remove your ownership
# of an item whenever you pick it up with your cursor in any
# inventory screen(it is automatically re-assigned when placing in your inventory).
# "removeOwnerOnClick" is useful when you want to do a lot of drop parties easily.
# Set "autoItemOwnership: true" to have items placed or otherwise obtained
# into a players' inventory become theirs. Note that this is different than
# the "overwriteItemOwnershipOnObtain" setting, as this doesn't overwrite
# other players' ownership.
# Set "autoItemOwnership: false" if you want players to have to use the "/claimitem"
# command instead.

# Default: false
enableItemOwnership: false

# Default: true
saveItemOwnership: true

# Default: false
overwriteItemOwnershipOnObtain: false

# Default: false
allowItemStealing: false

# Default: false
removeOwnerOnClick: false

# Default: false
autoItemOwnership: false

# ================================================================================

# This is the message sent to the command sender if
# they don't have permission to use the command they typed.
# Default: "You do not have permission to use this command."
noPermission: "You do not have permission to use this command."

# This allows you to set whether or not player experience levels are
# saved and loaded with the player inventories or not.
# Default: true
manageExp: true

# This allows you to set whether or not player health is saved
# and loaded with the player inventories or not.
# Default: true
manageHealth: true

# This allows you to set whether or not player potion effects are
# saved and loaded with the player inventories or not.
# Default: true
manageEffects: true

# This allows you to have the plugin automatically update and save
# all online players' effects every 30 seconds so that they don't
# try to glitch the server and get more effect time.
# Note that this can add more read/writes to your hard drive,
# causing progressed eventual hard drive failure(if left on ridiculously long).
# You can set this to true and then turn it off later by typing the following
# into the console: "/eim deactivate30sectimer", or "/eim activate30sectimer"
# to re-activate it again.
# This only works if "manageEffects" is set to true.
# Default: false
updatePlayerPotionEffectsEvery30Seconds: false

# This allows you to set whether or not player hunger and
# hunger saturation levels are saved and loaded with the player
# inventories or not.
# Default: true
manageHunger: true

# This sets whether or not any player can view and edit their extra
# chest inventory by default.(Command to use would be: "/view extra")
# Default: false
ownerCanEditExtraChestByDefault: true

# Inventory Listing Section ------------------------------------------

# This is the number of lists that are shown below.
# Setting this to a number lower than the amount of lists you set will
# cause the plugin to ignore the lists past the number you set here.
# On the other hand, setting this number higher than the amount of
# lists shown below will cause the plugin to complain about you not
# having listed each list past the actual amount of lists that you set.
numberOfLists: 2

# Enter your worlds in the following format:
#list_#: "world1Name|world2Name"
# (Where '#' is the number of the list, in order from 1 to how many 
# lists there are, top to bottom.
# Example:
#list_1: "pvpWorld|arenaSpleefWorld"
#list_2: "spawnWorld|survivalWorld"

list_1: "world_a|world_c"
list_2: "world_b"


REQUIRED: Entei's Plugin Library(Also included with .zip file for your convenience) Note: After the first installation of the plugin library, you shouldn't need to update that when an update for the main plugin is released unless it is explicitly stated in that versions' description. That way you won't be having to handle as many files every time I update the plugin.

OPTIONAL: Vault(for using the awesome new /invperm command, which allows players to share their inventories with each other!)


This is a relatively new plugin, which uses my awesome https://github.com/br45entei/EnteisPluginLibrary/blob/master/Entei'sPluginLibrary/src/com/gmail/br45entei/enteispluginlib/InventoryAPI.java(which I have recently created!) as the basis for what is does. I hope you find it useful!

Notice: The plugin "Entei's Plugin Library.jar" does nothing on its own, as it is only what its name suggests - a library. It is required for this plugin to function correctly, as I have other plugins I am developing right now that also use the same resources as this one, so I decided to keep it simple and use a plugin library for my projects.

Notice: This plugin will most likely break/mess with other inventory-managing plugins, or produce strange bugs! If you would like me to add a feature that another plugin that is causing problems has, feel free to comment on the main page or contact me via e-mail at [email protected], and I'll get back to you as soon as I can!


Note: Github source is currently outdated. The source repository for this plugin can be found here. The InventoryAPI's source can be found here.

If you use this plugins' source, be sure to give me some credit! There is a Bukkit Forum page on the InventoryAPI here.

Pull Requests

You can view this page for more information on pull requests. Thanks for contributing!


If you would like to help out, or you're just curious, you can add in "showDebugMessages: true" to the config.yml to make the plugin spit out various detailed information about what's going on while it works. Beware, though, that on servers with more than two players online, the debug messages can bog the server down, or even crash it!

Thanks for viewing this page, and I hope you like my work!


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