
EnchantmentMapper allows you to change the way enchantments work by replacing enchantments with others or removing them entirely.


  • enchantmentmapper.list - User is allowed to use the Command "/enchantmentmapper list"
  • enchantmentmapper.configure - User is allowed to configure mappings using "/enchantmentmapper add" or "/enchantmentmapper remove"
  • enchantmentmapper.reload - User is allowed to reload the configuration using "/enchantmentmapper reload"
  • enchantmentmapper.remap - User is allowed to remap an items enchantments using "/enchantmentmapper remap"


  • /enchantmentmapper list [enchantment] [level]
    Display a list of all mappings. Optionally filter output for enchantment and level.
    List all mappings for fortune level 3
    /enchantmentmapper list LOOT_BONUS_BLOCKS 3

  • /enchantmentmapper add <enchantment> <level> <new enchantment> [new level]
    Adds a mapping for an enchantment.

    Use -1 for <level> to match all levels.
    Use 0 for [new level] to entirely remove the enchantment.

    Replace Flame with Infinity
    /enchantmentmapper add ARROW_FIRE -1 ARROW_INFINITE

    Limit Sharpness to Level 3
    /enchantmentmapper add DAMAGE_ALL 5 DAMAGE_ALL 3
    /enchantmentmapper add DAMAGE_ALL 4 DAMAGE_ALL 3

    Replace Unbreaking 1 with Efficiency 1
    /enchantmentmapper add DURABILITY 1 DIG_SPEED 1

    Replace Unbreaking with Efficiency and add fortune 3 if unbreaking level equals 3
    /enchantmentmapper add DURABILITY -1 DIG_SPEED
    /enchantmentmapper add DURABILITY 3 DIG_SPEED
    /enchantmentmapper add DURABILITY 3 LOOT_BONUS_BLOCKS 3

  • /enchantmentmapper remove <enchantment> [level]
    Removes mappings from enchantments
    Use -1 for [level] to match all levels.

    Remove all mappings from knockback
    /enchantmentmapper remove KNOCKBACK

    Remove all mappings from knockback level 2
    /enchantmentmapper remove KNOCKBACK 2

    Remove mapping to fire aspect from knockback level 2
    /enchantmentmapper remove KNOCKBACK 2 FIRE_ASPECT
  • /enchantmentmapper remap
    Apply mappings to the item you are currently holding
  • /enchantmentmapper reload
    Reloads configuration from disk

Enchantments can be any of these
Source code is available at github


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