EHDGroupManager [Development Stopped!]

Warning: Development has stopped on this Project! Thanks for all your Support tho!

Avaible Versions:

  • 1.7.10
  • All 1.8
  • All 1.9
  • All 1.10
  • 1.11

+ 1.11 is here!!! +

We finally updated to 1.11 Craftbukkit! Hope you enjoy!


+ The 5.0 Update +

Hello, today is the Release of V5 of EHDGroupManager! We bring you a whole lot of new Features, such as PerWorldPermissions System!


V5 will change everything! So please Delete the old ehd Directory of V4 because all that is useless now! After that, the new Config, and Default group will generate! Im Sorry that im changing all of it, its just because V4 was a broken piece!

+ Support: +

Support is cancelled due inactivity and Development stop!

+ Some Information +

Ill explain some commands here:
+ /ehdaccess +
The Group you want to give the Permissions is always the first one you put in (REMEMBER THAT!)
So, ill give an Exampel: Say, you have the Groups global-Player, global-VIP, and world-VIP
You want the Group global-VIP to have all the Permissions from global-Player, so you do

/ehdaccess global-Player add global-VIP
Now the Group global-VIP can access all Permissions from the Group global-Player!
Now you want the Group world-VIP to access global-Player So you do

/ehdaccess world-VIP add global-Player

Now the Group world-VIP can access the Permissions from global-Player!


+ Command Section +  

Manage the Accessable Groups of another Group

Command Permission Syntax Description
/ehdaccess ehd.access <GroupTo> <add/remove> <GroupFrom> Manage the Accessable Groups of another Group
/ehdcreate ehd.create <Name> <*Otional*world> Create a Group, if you leave world empty, it will create a global Group!
/ehdlist ehd.list --- List all Groups!
/ehdprefix ehd.prefix <Group> <Prefix> Change the Prefix of an Group!
/ehdremove ehd.remove <Group> Remove an Group! CAUTION: the Group File wont be deletetd! Itll just not load in anymore!!!
/ehdset ehd.set <Player> <Group> Sets the Group of an Player!
/ehdinfo <plugin/group/player> <---/Group/Player> Get information!
/ehdperm ehd.perm <add/remove> <Group> <Permission> Sets the Group of an Player!
/ehdreload ehd.reload --- Reloads the Groups and Configs!

+ Config Section +

Config Node Default Value Description DefaultGroup global-Default The Group a Player gets on First Join TabDesingEnabled true If the Names in TabList should be changed ChatDesingEnabled true If the Chat should change TabDesing %group% %player% The TabList Desing ChatDesing %group% %player% The Chat Desing BlockedMessageEnabled true If the message is displayed when executing a Blocked Command BlockedCommands /pl,/plugins The list of the Blocked Commands NotefyOperators true Sends a Message to all OPs, when a Creator of EHDGroupManager joins the Game


+ Bug Section +

Know Bugs: None so far!

Found a Bug? Private Message FelixVogel!


+ Thanks +

Ok, you Guys I already Reached 10000 Downloads, for that i love u all (just an expression)

- Felix Vogel


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Jul 16, 2016
  • Last Released File
    Dec 18, 2016
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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