
Below is a list of commands provided by EasyColorChat: (Note: [] = optional)

  • /easycolorchat [color_code] [player] (Aliases: /ecc)
  • /easycolorchatcolors (Aliases: /eccc)
  • /easycolorchathelp (Aliases: /ecch)
  • /easycolorchatreload (Aliases: /eccr)


/easycolorchat [color_code] [player]

When used like this: /easycolorchat, the player who sent the command will see an inventory with colored leather chestplates. Click on one of the colored chestplates to change your default chat color.

When used like this: /easycolorchat &6, the player who sent the command will have a default chat color of &6, which is gold.

When used like this: /easycolorchat &6 HeadGam3z, the player who sent the command will give HeadGam3z a default chat color of &6, which is gold.

Remember: Use the color code reset (&r) to restore a chat color provided by a different chat plugin - like EssentialsChat.

Example: If bob's default chat color provided by EssentialsChat was indigo (&9) and bob's EasyColorChat chat color was dark red (&4), EasyColorChat would override EssentialsChat, thus his chat color would be dark red (&4). But if bob's EasyColorChat chat color was reset (&r), he would then again get back his old indigo (&9) color.


When used, the player who sent the command will be given a message containing all of the color codes in action.


When used, the player who sent the command will be given a message containing all of the commands provided by EasyColorChat.

If a player does not have a certain permission to a command, say /easycolorchatcolors, then the message for easycolorchatcolors in /easycolorchathelp will show not. Basically, if they don't have said permission, then they won't be able to see it in /easycolorchathelp.


When used, the player who sent the command will reload the configuration file.

This is useful for when the server owner edits the config.yml file, and doesn't want to restart the server to apply changes to EasyColorChat; they can just use /easycolorchatreload instead.