default config.yml

    # Whether SQLite/file (true) should be used or MySQL (false).
    Offline: true
    # MySQL Information, ignore it if you're using SQLite.
    Host: localhost
    Port: 3306
    Database: ajb_intelligent_blacklist
    User: <username>
    Password: <password>
  # Blacklists API for checking IPs to.
  # Format: <URL (with commas instad of stops)>: <String that identifies an IP as a proxy>
    http://www,stopforumspam,com/api?ip=: 'yes'
    http://www,shroomery,org/ythan/proxycheck,php?ip=: Y
  # Whether to Download or not a Blacklist at server start.
    Enabled: true
  # (BETA) Whether to check and block Proxies directly from the Server Select screen.
    Enabled: false
    Message: Don't use a Proxy :P
  # Whether to force the check of every player by kicking them and letting them rejoin.
    Enabled: false
    Message: Proxy Check... pls. reJoin!
  # The Kick Message for people found to be using a Proxy.
    Message: Proxy is Detected. (maybe an error please reconnect your Router)
  # Whether to start the plugin directly after its loading or with some delay
  # (If you want to reduce the workload after a restart).
    Enabled: true
    Seconds: 60
    # Whether to use Names if you're in Offline Mode (true) or UUIDs if you're in Online Mode (false).
    Enabled: true
    # If you were using a previous version of this plugin (<= 4.3) and you're in Online Mode
    # put this to "true" to allow the plugin to work.
    MigrateUUID: false
  # Used to debug the plugin and/or help me tracking some bugs.
    Enabled: false