
AutoUpdate: <true/false

This option will toggle the plugins inbuilt AutoUpdate so you don't need to worry about upgrading to the latest version. This can be toggled in-game by doing /durexp update

Enable: <true|false>

This option will allow you to disable the plugin and enable it, it is also possible to change this in-game using /durexp toggle.

EnablePermMultiplier: true

This will disabled the option below and allow you to use per permission xp rates, for example doubleurexp.multiplier.1.5 gives 150% exp (MAX OF 10)

Multiplier: <integer/float>

This set the server wide multiplier at which exp gain, for example 3.5 would be 350% exp.


This is a list of the days that are enabled, also shown is the different ways you can write the date, the plugin will detect them all. This option is great for Double XP weekends!

- sat

- Sunday

- monday

CheckRadius: <integer>

The radius that the plugin will check if the "CheckForSpawner" option is enabled, could be used to prevent mass farming.


Disables or enables the check for spawners, if you're having any performance issue try disabling this and seeing if that helps.


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