Command And Permissions


announcer.*: - Gives access to all commands for managing announcments

announcer.receiver: - Allows you to receive notifications

announcer.add: - Allows you to add a notification

announcer.delete: - Allows you to delete notifications

announcer.broadcast: - Allows you to just broadcast notfications

announcer.moderate: - Allows you to change properties the plugin.

announce.admin: - Allows you load, save and restart the plugin.


help - displays the help page

add - adds a broadcast

delete - deletes a broadcast

broadcast - broadcast a specified broadcast now (From you defined list)

reload - reloads the plugin

enable - Enables or Disables the plugin

interval - sets the announcement interval

list - lists all massages to be broadcasted

random - enables random message broadcasting

prefix - sets the prefix of the message

say - Broadcast a single message now.


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