Commands, Configurations & Permissions

Message Variables

DeathCraft recognizes several variables in the death messages and will automatically replace key words into them to save precious space when adding them.

  • %1 : Player/Deathee's Name
  • %2 : Killer's Name
  • %3 : In-hand item's name
  • %4 : The world name the player is in
  • %5 : Will use "a" or "an" appropriately based on the killer. Bad grammar is bad.

Commands & Permissions

All comands, unless otherwise noted, are prefixed with /deathcraft (aliased to /dc2)

deathcraft.adminAs suggested, the admin control for DeathCraft
deathcraft.chest.largeCreates a double chest upon death for items. Must have 2 chests available in inventory!
deathcraft.chest.large.freeAs above, but does NOT require you to carry chests.
deathcraft.chest.smallAs above, but a small chest is created.
deathcraft.chest.small.freeAs above, but no chest is needed.
deathcraft.keepxp.#Keep #% exp upon death. 'keepxp.10' would keep 10%
ignoreWill ignore PVE or PVP death messages
findWill point a compass to your last death spot
huntConfig set OR deathcraft.huntTrack a player - compass will point to their last location
recentShow your last 5 most recent deaths
/suicidedeathcraft.suicideKill yourself
/killdeathcraft.killImmediately kill your target
headdeathcraft.headCreate the head of target player
randommobdeathcraft.headCreate a random mob head - will NOT create wither skulls
randomblockdeathcraft.headCreate a random 'block head' from community skins. *v1.10.1
reloaddeathcraft.adminReload the config file
savedeathcraft.adminForce a save of the config files - this will overwrite any offline changes you made since the last reload
listdeathcraft.adminList all death messages for (Type)
adddeathcraft.adminAdd a message for death (type)
deletedeathcraft.adminDelete message # from death (type)
ListCustomdeathcraft.adminShow messages for a specific item
AddCustomdeathcraft.adminAdd a message for a specific item
DeleteCustomdeathcraft.adminDelete a message for a specific Item
AddMobdeathcraft.adminAdd a message for a specific mob type
DeleteMobdeathcraft.adminDelete a message for a specific mob type
set prefixdeathcraft.adminChange the death message prefix in game


The following is the default configuration, and an explanation of each item.

  Debug: false #Self Explanatory - This should usually remain false, unless you're asked to turn it on for debugging purposes
  CheckForUpdates: true #Automatically checks for updates - currently disabled
  Prefix: '&9[&7DC&9] ' #The prefix for any death messages. Remember the trailing space.
  UseDisplayName: true #Use display names in death messages. If false, will default to the actual account name
  CheckXp: false #Turn on the 'KeepXP' mechanic
  Herobrine: true #Change 'unknown' death messages to suggest foul play by Herobrine
stats: #This is an incoming feature, and does not currently function
  track: true
  worlds: '*'
  seperateScores: true
  top: 3
  worst: 3
tracking: #Player Tracking
  enabled: true #On or Off
  worlds: '*' #Worlds it is enabled on - * means all worlds
  fee: 0 #Dollar cost for this feature. 
  cooldown: 60 #How often can this feature be used
  lifeCost: 1 #Life cost for this feature - 1 life = 1/2 a heart
  protect: true #Use build in Chest Protections - only the owner of the chest can open it
  decayInMinutes: 60 #How long to keep chests protected - expired chests will 'explode' when opened, dropping everything
  pvpchest: false #Use DeathChests for PVP Death
  pvechest: false #Use DeathChests for PVE/Monster Deaths
  enableFind: true #Allow the use of /dc2 find - This will also enable/disable the compass use
  disabledWorlds: #Worlds that chests are not allowed in
  - randomWorld
  - anotherRandomWorld
  disabledRegions: #WorldGuard regions that chests are not allowed in
  - someRegion
  DestroyBlock: #Blocks that the chest can/will destroy to create 
    '0': true
    '6': true
    '8': true
deathmessages: #The Deathmessage Config area
  enableMechanic: true #Use DC2's messages?
  showCoords: true #Show player the coords they died at. This also will disable/enable the use of /dc2 recent
head: #Head Config
  enabled: true #Should Dc2 handle head drops?
  lootbonus: 1 #Looting bonus for enchants - Set to 2, a "Looting 3" will add 6% to the chance
    pve: '%1 has been beheaded!' #What to announce when a mob cuts off a player's head
    pvp: '%2 has beheaded %1!' #What to announce when a player whacks someone's head
  pve: true #Allow the mechanic for PVE
  pvp: true #Allow the mechanic for PVP
  drop:#The percentages that a head will drop, not counting lootbonus
    player: 5
    creeper: 2
    zombie: 2
    skeleton: 2
    wither: 2
    blaze: 2
    cave_spider: 2
    chicken: 2
    cow: 2
    enderman: 2
    ghast: 2
    magma_cube: 2
    mushroom_cow: 2
    pig: 2
    pig_zombie: 2
    sheep: 2
    slime: 2
    spider: 2
    villager: 2
    iron_golem: 2
    ocelot: 2
    squid: 2
    bat: 2
    ender_dragon: 2
    silverfish: 2
    snowman: 2
    horse: 2
    witch: 2
name-alias: #This will allow you to rename an entity to display a different entity such as HorseMob to "horse", from Mo Creatures.
  horsemob: horse


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