
This project is abandoned and its default file will likely not work with the most recent version of Minecraft. Whether this project is out of date or its author has marked it as abandoned, this project is no longer maintained.

[i] Graphical presentation comes when project is accepted

What's DamnHim

DamnHim is a plugin that allow players to report another player how's cheating, insulting, or doing something bad when moderators are away.
Moderators can see the number of reports that is in the waitlist when they come in the server and have fast access to the report list.
DamnHim can tempban when a player is too much reported.
For example, you have a server that have everyday 30 players connected, and suddently a player come and make troubles, and you've configured DamnHim for tempban 600 seconds (10 min) a player that has been reported 10 times. 10 of your players reported him, he's tempbanned.

NOTE : tempban function requires essentials !


  • Report a player
  • See how is reported
  • See who reported who
  • Tempban a player who have too much reports
  • Message admins when they login with the number of reports in wait
  • And more!


  • /damnhim - this is the main command. Aliases : dh, damn
  • /dh version - get some information about the plugin
  • /dh reload - reload the configuration file of the plugin
  • /dh lang <file> - use the file <file> as the language file. File must be a correct file without its extension and placed in /plugin/damnhim/lang. By default, the languages french and english are installed. Just type /dh lang french or /dh lang english for generate the file.
  • /dh reasons - list the available reasons for reporting users. Useless when useReasons is disabled in the config.
  • /dh list - list the reports
  • /dh info <player> - list the reports about <player>
  • /dh info <player> <reporter> - detail the <reporter>'s report about <player>
  • /dh clear <player> - clear reports about <player>
  • /report <player> <reason> - report a player with a <reason>. If useReason is disabled, <reason> can be everything, like /report Hawezo This is just a test

How to report a player

It's (very) simple.
Just type the command /report [player] [reason].
For example, if the player is named Hawezo and useReasonList is set to false on the configuration, you can type :
/report Hawezo I think this guy is cheating on the survival world

But if useReasonList is set to true, you MUST remplace [reason] by a reason in the useReason list.
For example, if the player is Hawezo too but the list is :

- Spam
- Cheating
- Insult
- Hack
- Pouet

You can type /report Hawezo Spam
But you can't type /report Hawezo Something else

Configuration file

languageFile: english #The language file in the folder /damnhim/lang/
useReasonList: true #If true, the reports reasons must being in the list reasonList
- Spam
- Insults
- Cheat
- Hack
tempbanOnReports: true #If true, user that have been reported x times will be tempbanned during n seconds
reportsToTempban: 8 #The x part of the previous explaination :)
tempbanDuration: 600 #The n part of the previous explaination :)
avertReportedPlayer: true #If true, players that have just been reported will be notified 
permCannotBeReported: true #If true, players that have the permission damnhim.bypass (or operator) can't be reported
tellPlayerTheyWereCleared: true #If true, when a moderator clears a player report file, this player will be notified


      default: op
      description: Full access to DamnHim
      default: true
      description: Allow /report command
      default: op
      description: Allow administration to DamnHim
      default: op
      description: Users cannot report his user
      default: op
      description: Allow user to get reports informations. Useful for moderators that are non-op

Languages files

For having default language files, go to the language file page. This page contains informations about these files and the default files, english and french.

Known problems

  • Sometimes, op do not receive the message when a player is reported
  • When a vanished player logs in, it generates an error (nullPointerException). Thanks to DrkMatr1984 :)

To do

  • Own tempban system
  • Fix known issues
  • Change YAML report files to SQL (suggested by Cannafix)
  • Any idea ?


Report, reporter, reports, admin, tempban, report command, easy to use, Hawezo, Nicecraft


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