Default Config.yml

# Default config for DailyDiamond, by Xurame and Matt5067
# On the Moneymsg string make sure to add %s wherever its supposed to display the amount of money given!
# False if we aren't using Vault
useVault: true

# Default value change to whatever you want, make sure its a double!
moneyGiven: 10.0
Moneymsg: "&2You were given %s for logging in!"

Diamondmsg: "&aYou were given a diamond for logging in!"
# Set this to the amount of diamonds you want given upon login
Diamondamount: 1

GApplemsg: "&cYou were given a Golden Apple for logging in!"
# Set this to the amount of Gold apples you want given upon login
GAppleamount: 1

GoldIngotmsg: "&3You were given a gold ingot for logging in!"
# Set this to the amount of gold ingots you want given upon logging in
GoldIngotamount: 1

NormalApplemsg: "&bYou were given an apple for logging in!"
# Set this to the amount of apples you want given upon login
NormalAppleamount: 1

Cakemsg: "&8You were given a cake for logging in!"
# Set this to the amount of cake you want given upon login
Cakeamount: 10

# Bellow is the cooldown for the /ddcollect command, you can either remove this to stop the cooldown or change the number at the end to change the cooldown time, at the moment the default is 20seconds, so you would have to change ddcollect20 to ddcollect<number here>.
# Also note that you need to give the players a permission for the cooldown to apply, and one in case of overriding it:
# ddcooldown.ddcollect20 would be the ddcollect permission (Changing the end number to whatever you set it here in the config!)
# ddcooldown.override Is the permission for users who shouldn't be effected by the cooldown (Default Op)

- ddcollect20

# P.S One day in seconds is 86400, half a day 43200 and one hour is 3600, just to help you out with the cooldown times!


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