
Staff: //UserList
  aliases: //Aliases for UserList (can view list using the command /<alias>)
    - stafflist
    - staff
    - modlist
  permission: customuserlist.list.staff //Permission required to view list, remove if none
  Groups: //List of the groups to show in the UserList
    Owner: //Normal group name
      display name: 'Owner' //Name to display instead of the normal group name
      color: DARK_RED //Color of name in the list
      name color: RED //Color to name players
      online color: GREEN //Color to name players if they're online
      Players: //Set a predefined list of players to show. If this is set, won't go through online players with permission
        - Stealth2800
      display name: 'Admin'
      color: RED
      permission: '' //Permission required for a person to appear in this group
      ignore op: true //Whether or not to ignore OP permissions when checking applicable players
      name color: YELLOW
      display name: 'Mod'
      color: GREEN
      permission: ''
      ignore op: true
      name color: BLUE
  Format: //How the UserList should look when the command is executed
    header: '&8<============================>'
    name: '&8------&6Online Staff Members&8------'
    group: '&6[{GROUPNAME}&6]&f '
    footer: '&8<============================>'
    none online: '&c&oNone online.'
    display names: false
    limit to one group: true //Only show a player ONCE on the list
    hide vanished: true //Hide vanished players (requires VanishNoPacket)
    - donorlist
    - donors
  permission: customuserlist.list.donors
      display name: '$5 donor'
      color: GREEN
      ignore op: true
      permission: ''
      display name: '$10 donor'
      color: BLUE
      ignore op: true
      permission: ''
    header: '&8<============================>'
    name: '&8-------&6Online Donors&8-------'
    group: '&6[{GROUPNAME}&6]&f '
    footer: '&8<============================>'
    none online: '&c&oNone online.'
    display names: false
    limit to one group: true


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