
With this you can set a custom command that will simply send the user a message. This message can be anything from explaining VIP package, to tellign the user how to do something. It can be anything you want! It is currently in the begining stages of development, so it is not fully featured yet. However, I do plan on keeping this a simple plugin that anyone can use without tons of configuration.

Possible Uses

  • Explain VIP Packages
  • Tell a user a repetative thing
  • Use it to tell people you will not make them OP
  • (PM with what you use this for)

Development Builds

Bukkit required disclaimer: Development builds of this project can be acquired at the provided continuous integration server. These builds have not been approved by the BukkitDev staff. Use them at your own risk.

You can access development builds on my Jenkins server by going HERE and clicking development builds. These builds are the latest and greatest (and sometimes not so great!)

Servers that use this

  • (PM me your server and I will add it here!)


Currently None (see todo)


The beauty of it is you set your own commands! (see todo)

Using colors

Since version 1.1, we now support colors. For more information, see the "Using Colors" page by clicking here:

Default Config.yml

#To set a command, use the following as an example!
#    - test
#    - test2   
#    text: This is a default config./nYou must setup config.yml to output some text.
#    text: This is a default config./nYou must setup config.yml to output some text.
# See what I done? You first declare the command.
# Then you set what the text should say. Give it a try. And if you have any questions, refer to 
# To create a new line, use "/n" without the quotes. It has to be /n, not \n!

    - test
    text: This is a default config./nYou must setup config.yml to output some text.


This plugin collects statistics on your server so I can better the plugin by seeing versions of the plugin running on what version of bukkit. I also collect some data from your config.yml file so that I can see what I need to improve on. The stats are uploaded directly to my servers (using 256bit HTTPS encryption to protect your information with, that is even stronger than Google!), and I am the only one who is able to see the stats. This will also aid me in fixing issues if you have any errors with this plugin.


  • Add color support
  • Set up permissions
  • Command to reload config
  • Command to create new commands


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Oct 24, 2013
  • Last Released File
    Nov 3, 2013
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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