Custom Skulls

Custom Skulls - Make mobs and players dropping skulls!

Version: v0.2

With Custom Skulls you can add some great features to your server. You can set that some mobs will drop their own head when they die, with a custom chance which could be set up in the config file. You could even enable the feature that players will drop their own player heads, which add's a great PVP experience. Custom Skulls also supports multi world support, and it supports all major permissions systems.


  • Let four different mobs drop their own head, with custom chances configurable in the config file.
  • Let players drop their own head (or a steve head, customizable)
  • Multi world support, to give you the ability to enable or disable skull dropping or have custom chances in different worlds.
  • Supports all major permission plugins.


You could find the download of the plugin on the top-right of this page above the sidebar, there's a download button. This download button should redirect you to the last downloadable version of Custom Skulls. You could also visit the 'Files' page of Custom Skulls, all the downloadable versions are available there.


Because I like programming and I want to share my code so other developers could fix an issue directly if they found a problem for example, I share the source code of my project. It's available on github:

Git Custom Skulls on Github


Custom Skulls does have a few commands which you could use, you could find them on the page bellow.

Page: Commands


Custom Skulls does have a few permission nodes you could use to block comments.

Page: Permissions

Supported plugins

On the following page you could find which plugins are supported by Custom Skulls. You could also find out how to send a request if you want to apply another plugin. You can find the link bellow:

Page: Supported Plugins


  1. Download the plugin files
  2. Add the CustomSkulls.jar file and the folder 'CustomSkulls' from the downloaded .zip file to the /plugin folder of the minecraft server. Also add the files inside the CustomSkullsfolder into the folder plugins/CustomSkulls
  3. Change some settings if you want
  4. Start your server and enjoy the plugin :)


The changelog can be found on the download page of the Simple Showcase files. Click the big 'Download' button above the sidebar on the right to get to the changelog.


There are currently no bugs found! Found one? Please create a support ticked, add a message to these Simple Showcase pages or contact me.


Please donate some money so I can buy some coffee to make better plugins and even update my old ones :) , I really like it if you give any donation! You could go to a donation page using the button bellow or the donate button above the search-box



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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Oct 29, 2012
  • Last Released File
    Jan 27, 2013
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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