
Here are some descriptions what each single command does exactly.

Thoughts behind all customizing commands:

/cmob <What to customize> <Name of the mob to customize> <additional params...> <> <> ....

Permission to get access to any command and to get access to view all commands: custommobs.cmduse


Overview of the /cmob commands.

Permission: custommobs.cmduse

Pretty obviouls what it does. I don't think i need to explain it

/cmob create <Type> <Name>

Creates a mob with given type and filename (not the displayname of the mob!)

Permission: custommobs.cmob.create

Creates a new mob. The name of the mob you enter in <Name> will be the <Filename> appearing in nearly all other commands later. I think everyone knows what should be inserted in <Type>

Example: /cmob create Zombie TestMob

/cmob burn <Name> true/false <duration/-1/infinite>

Sets the mob on fire or not with given time (ticks not seconds)

Permission: custommobs.cmob.burn

<Name> is the filename of the mob. - If you enter "false" you don't need to enter a duration. The mob just stops burning. If "true" you have to set a duration! Enter a normal number as a duration to set, Enter -1 or "infinite" to set the time (nearly) endless. Duration is counted in ticks. One second = 20 ticks.

Example: /cmob burn TestMob true 100

/cmob delete <Name>

Deletes the mob from the database

Permission: custommobs.cmob.delete

Simple. Delete a mob with filename <Name>. Its gone then and can't be spawned anymore. Obviously.

Example: /cmob delete TestMob

/cmob fireproof <Name> <true/false>

Sets a mob fireproof.

Permission: custommobs.cmob.fireproof

If a mob is set to fireproof, it won't take damage from fire, lava or anything related. It may also swim in lava if it can swim...

Example: /cmob fireproof TestMob true

/cmob name <Name> <CustomName>

Sets the displayname of a mob shown above it's head


Sets the Displayname above the mob's head. Colorcodes can be used with "&" and spaces with _ !

Example: /cmob name TestMob &5Hi_&6Everyone!

/cmob exp <Name> <ExpAmount>

Sets the amount of exp it dropps on death

Permission: custommobs.cmob.exp

Just sets the Amount of exp the custommob drops on its death. This are NOT levels.

Example: /cmob exp TestMob 5

/cmob health <Name> <Health>

Sets the health of the mob as high as you like


Set the health of the mob just as high or low as you like. ATTENTION: the spigot's server-config may cap the max-health! check the server-config before reporting "bugs"..

Example: /cmob health TestMob 100

/cmob setpotion <Name> <Effect> <Amplifier> <Duration>

Sets potioneffects on the mob when spawned.

Permission: custommobs.cmob.setpotion

In <Duration>, -1 or "infinite" can be again used for max. duration.

Example: /cmob setpotion TestMob Speed 5 -1

/cmob resetpotion <Name> <Effect>

Removes a potioneffect from a mob.

Permission: custommobs.cmob.resetpotion

Not really much to say here. Obvious what it does.

Example: /cmob resetpotion TestMob Speed

/cmob equip <Name> 0/1/2/3/4

Sets current weared armor/item-in-hand on the mob (0 weapon, 1 boots, 2 leggings, 3 chestplate, 4 helmet) (Enchantments are possible)

Permission: custommobs.cmob.equip

In order to equip the mob with the items, you have to WEAR them, just as you want the mob to wear it! In order to equip a helmet, you have to wear the helmet! - 0 as weapon, you have to hold it in your hand while typing the command!

Example: /cmob equip TestMob 0

/cmob drop <Name> <Chance (0.0 - 1.0)>

Sets the item-in-hand as possible drop of the mob with the chance 0% to 100% (0,0 - 1,0)

Permission: custommobs.cmob.drop

Well, the short description says it all. You want to drop the mob a specific item: take it in your hand, type the command, done. Maybe kill the mob then. - in the example, the drop chance of the item-in-the-player's-hand is 50%

Example: /cmob drop TestMob 0.5

/cmob spawn <Name>

Spawns the mob on the block you look at.

Permission: custommobs.cmob.spawn

Simple. Spawns the mob. Need more description?

Example: /cmob spawn TestMob

/cmob spawner <Name> [delay > 0]

Sets the named mob as the spawned mob of the spawners youre looking at.

Permission: custommobs.cmob.spawner

Permission to destory a spawner by breaking the block: custommobs.spawner.destroy

Modifies a Block or Spawner to spawn your CustomMob, with a delay you like. Needn't be specified. The Block or Spawner to spawn the Mob with, is the block you Look At!


/cmob spawner TestMob

/cmob spawner TestMob 10

/cmob cmd <Name> <CommandLine>

Sets the command, which the Console will fire, once the mob dies.

Permission: custommobs.cmob.cmd

You can set the Command the Console will fire once the mob dies here. If you add an @player in the commandLine, it will be replaced with the name of the player who killed the mob.

Excluded commands: see main page -> configuration for blocked commands


/cmob cmd TestMob /tell @player Hello -> when i (HellFirePvP) kill the mob, the Console will send the command: "/tell HellFirePvP Hello"

/cmob limit <Name> <limit/-1/infinite>

Sets the limit of a mob.

Permission: custommobs.cmob.limit

Simply sets a limit. this is bound to the custommobs' name this means the mobs counting to the limit are only counting in 1 server-session. this means if you restart or reload the server, the mob limit will be cleared. The limit is server wide. this means the plugin doesn't care where the mob is on the server (nether, overworld, end, ...) there will be only as many mobs as specified. Default is no limit.


/cmob limit Testmob 1 -> Testmob will be only spawned 1 time and no more.

/cmob limit Testmob -1 -> Testmob will be only spawned endlessly. -1 is same as infinite.

/ccmob spawn <Name> <x> <y> <z> <worldname>

Spawn command for Console!

Permission: custommobs.ccmob.spawn

Self-Explaning. Only console can use this command to spawn. NO relative spawning is possible.

Example: /ccmob spawn TestMob 10 70 10 flatworld


Overview of the /cconfig commands.

Permission: custommobs.cmduse

Overview of the /cconfig commands. Anything else?

Example: /cconfig

/cconfig add <Name> <(GroupSpawning) true/false> <average groupamount> <spawnrate 0.0 - 1.0> [b:Biomes] [w:Worlds] [r:Regions]

sets a new mob to be spawned randomly.

Permission: custommobs.cconfig.add

Ok, step by step now. first of all: <(GroupSpawning) true/false> - If you want it to spawn ALONE. then use "false". If you want to spawn more mobs near together as group then set it to "true".

Second: <average groupamount> - If you don't want to spawn them in group and you typed "false" in '<(GroupSpawning) true/false>', then you don't need to enter any number here. If you want to spawn them as group and you typed "true", you have to specify HOW MANY mobs should spawn in an average spawned group.

Third: <spawnrate 0.0 - 1.0> - This defines the "weigth" ("how likely") the mob will spawn in relation to other mobs. For example you have 2 mobs defined to spawn randomly and 1 has the weight 0.2 and the other one has the weigth 0.8 THEN the weight of the first mob is "20" and the weight of the second is "80" - total weight "100" - so the first has 1/5 (20%) chance of spawning and the second has 4/5 (80%) chance of spawning

Fourth: [b:Biomes] - ONLY needed, if you want to spawn your mob only in certain biome(s). Multiple biomes can be specified when seperated with ',' - Example usage in command: "b:Forest,Swampland,Taiga" - Then the mob specified may only spawn in these 3 biomes.

Fifth: [w:Worlds] - ONLY needed, if you want to specify the world(s) the mob spawns in. Multiple worlds can be specified when seperated with ',' If you only want the mob to spawn in one world, this is what you need. - Example usage in command: "w:world,world2,world_nether" - Then the mob specified may only spawn in worlds called "world", "world2" or "world_nether"

Sixth: [r:Regions] - ONLY needed, if you want to specify the regions where the mobs can spawn in. Only supported, of course, if you have worldguard on your server! Multiple regions can be specified with seperated with ',' - Example usage in command: "r:myregion,spawnarea" - The mob then only spawns in regions called "myregion" and "spawnarea" if you have worldguard installed. ATTENTION: If you defined a region and don't use worldguard, the mob will NEVER spawn, simply because he's more or less "never in that region"**


/cconfig add TestMob false - TestMob will spawn everywhere, but never in a group/always alone.

/cconfig add TestMob true 3 1.0 - TestMob will spawn everywhere as a group of 1 to 3 mobs with the weight of 100 related to other custommobs.

/cconfig add TestMob true 3 0.5 b:Forest - TestMob will spawn as a group of 1 to 3 mobs, but only in forest biomes and with the weight of 50 related to other custommobs.

/cconfig add TestMob true 2 0.0 w:flatworld - TestMob will spawn as a group of 1 to 2 mobs, but only in the world called "flatworld", but with the weight of 0 related to other custommobs, so basically never...

/cconfig add TestMob true 4 0.76 b:Forest w:flatworld - TestMob will spawn as a group of 1 to 4 mobs, but only in the world called "flatworld" and only in forest biomes, with a weight of 76 related to other custommobs.

/cconfig remove <FileName>

Removes a mob from being spawned randomly.

Permission: custommobs.cconfig.remove

Simple. The mob will no longer be spawned randomly. This will NOT delete the mob!

Example: /cconfig remove TestMob

/cconfig list

Lists all mobs that are spawned randomly.

Permission: custommobs.cconfig.list

Just shows you, which mobs are spawned randomly.

Example: /cconfig list


Overview of the /crespawncommands.

Permission: custommobs.cmduse

Overview of the /crespawn commands. What else?

Example: /crespawn

/crespawn add <Filename> <Time in seconds> <x> <y> <z>

Sets the mob to respawn.

Permission: custommobs.crespawn.add

A custommob can only have 1 respawnLocation. this means 'add'-ing more locations will just change the location where it respawns to the last-added. Any killed mob may trigger the respawn timer. this means if you have 2 mobs with name 'test' - if you kill one, it will respawn at the location specified, if you kill the other mob while the respawntimer is running, there will only spawn 1 mob. if you want to create a boss mob follow 2 important guides: make sure he can't escape! if he flees and you can't find it anymore, you have to reload/restart the server to spawn it again! second: set the limit to 1. this prevents spawning issues for boss mobs.


/crespawn add TestMob 5 - TestMob will respawn after 5 seconds after being killed at the block the player's looking at.

/crespawn add TestMob 5 10 60 10 - TestMob will respawn after 5 seconds after being killed at the coordinates x=10, y=60, z=10

/crespawn remove <Filename>

removes the mob from the respawning-list

Permission: custommobs.crespawn.remove

Simple. i don't think i have to explain too much. Anyways a mob can only be removed if it respawns.


/crespawn remove TestMob - TestMob will no longer respawn.


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