Lightweight Essentials

This project is abandoned and its default file will likely not work with the most recent version of Minecraft. Whether this project is out of date or its author has marked it as abandoned, this project is no longer maintained.

Lightweight Essentials is a new general plugin that is still in the development stage. The plugin has quite a few more features that we are yet to add to the plugin. as a new development becomes available and update arises we will inform you on the Files page (accessable from the menu) and add the Version Update History in case you wish to revert or your server runs an old version of Bukkit and you can’t update for whatever reason.

We are asking you if you have any feature requests or Plugins suggestions or requests. Please do this with a ticket if you found any bugs then use a Ticket too please!

Current Features

lightweightessentials.*All Lightweight Essentials Commands
lightweightessentials.updatenotifyReceive a message when there is a Lightweight Essentials update available.
/essentials helplightweightessentials.helpView the help.
/essentials reloadlightweightessentials.reloadReload the plugin.
/essentials updatelightweightessentials.updateUpdate the plugin.
/clearchat/cclightweightessentials.clearchatCleares your chat.
/heal/health, /givehealthlightweightessentials.healHeals yourself or others.
/feed/food, /state, /eatlightweightessentials.feedFeeds yourself or others.
/tp/teleportlightweightessentials.tpTeleport to other players.
/tphere/teleportherelightweightessentials.tphereTeleport other players to you.
/setspawnlightweightessentials.setspawnSet the spawn.
/spawnlightweightessentials.spawnTeleport to the spawn.
/clearinventory/ci, /clear, /clearinv, /cleanlightweightessentials.clearinventoryCleares your inventory.
/motdlightweightessentials.motdView the MOTD.
/setmotdlightweightessentials.setmotdSet the MOTD.
/banlightweightessentials.banBan Someone.
/kicklightweightessentials.kickKick Someone.
/setwarplightweightessentials.setwarpSet a Warp.
/warplightweightessentials.warpTeleport to a Warp.
/delwarplightweightessentials.delwarpDelete a Warp.
/burn/ignite, /firelightweightessentials.burnBurn yourself or others.
/killlightweightessentials.killKill yourself or others.
/msg/tell, /whisperlightweightessentials.msgPrivate message someone.
/broadcastlightweightessentials.broadcastBroadcast a message to everyone.
/sethomelightweightessentials.sethomeSet your home.
/homelightweightessentials.homeTeleport to your home.
/delhomelightweightessentials.delhomeDelete your home.
/pinglightweightessentials.pingReceive a Pong to test the speed.

Comming Features

/vanishToggles your vanish.
/banipBans a player's IP Address.
/setjailSets the jail.
/jailJails a player.
/nickChanges someone's nickname.
/gmChanges your gamemode.
/tpaTeleport to a player (needs acceptation).
/backGo back to the place you was before your last teleportation or die.


This plugin uses Metrics. This feature sends information like server version, amount of players, authentication mode, and metrics version.


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Jan 19, 2013
  • Last Released File
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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