Commands & Permissions

/expShow your experience and level
/exp[username]Show (online) [username]'s experience.
/exp[username] +#Adds experience to player (or yourself, if no player specified)
/exp[username] -#Removes experience from player (or yourself, if no player specified)
/exp[username] #Sets (total) experience of player (or yourself, if no player specified)
/exp-reloadReloads config.yml
/exp-set[type] [value]Set a configuration option in game, very sensitive
value must be a sub section value, For monster.Wolf, you would type "/exp-set Wolf 10"
orbEnhance.adminAllows player to change players experience
orbEnhance.keepExpAllows player to keep all experience on death (bypasses normal losses)
orbEnhance.modifyExpAllows player to modify configuration settings in game, very sensitive