Commands and Permissions

Commands and Permissions

CCM Command

Base command for the plugin. Without any additional arguments, basic plguin information is displayed.

Uses: /ccm

Creative Command

Change to creative mode.

Uses: /ccm creative|c|1

Permission: ccm.use

Reload Command

Reload the plugin's config.

Uses: /ccm reload

Permission: ccm.reload

Survival Command

Change to survival mode.

Uses: /ccm survival|s|0

Permission: ccm.use

Other Permissions

ccm.allow.blockAllows the placement of all blocks.
ccm.allow.dropAllows the dropping of all blocks/items.
ccm.allow.openchestsAllows the opening of all inventories.
ccm.allow.spawnAllows the use of all spawn eggs.
ccm.spyAllows a user to receive warning messages.


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