
-= [0.7+] Setting Up a Build Site (For Server Admins) =-

1. First, make sure you have all necessary dependancies installed. This includes, obviously, ConstructionSites. For the rest of this tutorial, bear in mind: The commands are very picky about syntax. Follow the instructions exactly as told, or else you might end up with an angry console who tells his friends you are mean to him, who call the Console Police. Nobody knows what happens if the Console Police find out you were mean to a console by fooling about with commands. Don't be the guy who does.

2. Next, start up your server. To avoid your players coming and messing your site up, I recommend you set it to "whitelist" mode, but this is up to you.

3. Create a building however you like it. It doesn't really matter what it looks like. Just note that chest contents, signs, and other detailed data is not saved so try to keep it more simple than normal. Remember, the players will have the option of adding on to the house themselves. In fact, it's recommended you leave it a little bland.

4. Once you're finished, get out a //wand or use //pos1 and //pos2 to make a WorldEdit selection covering your creation. Read this if you don't know how.

5. Use the command //copy to copy the selection to the clipboard, then use //schematic save (name of creation) to save your build. NOTE: the name of this site must be lower-case (no capital letters), currently.

There are two ways to go about this next part:

Method #1 - Use the Admin Center menu

6.1. All you need to do is use /construct, then select the "Admin Center." From there, you can click "Create Site," and select from a list of .schematics the site you'd like to add. Once you click on it, you can set the time and cost of the site.

To set the time, just click on the three coal pieces. You can adjust the Hours, Minutes, Seconds (from left to right), but the Seconds will be 30 by default.

To set the cost, select from the line of emeralds on the bottom. You can specify up to $999,999,999 as a price (who DOES that?). Remember "place values" from third grade? That's what we're doing here. So, if you wanted to make your site cost $16,500, the line of emeralds would look like this:


Because, remember, "1" would just be an emerald without a number.

However, you might want a bit more flexibility, so you can try Method #2 instead:

Method #2 - Use the command straight out
6.2. Use the command /construct admin addsite (or /con instead of /construct) to add the site to the ConstructionSites list. To do this, you'll need to list the name, cost, and build time in that order. (/construct admin addsite [site name, lower case again] [build time {hours:minutes:seconds, i.e. 0:30:20}] [cost {dollars.cents, i.e 500.99}] — Example: /con admin addsite house 1:20:40 400.99)
Don't forget to add cents even if you don't want any. For example, for a $100 build fee, write: "100.00".

7. Then you're done! Feel free to test it using the "Creating a Build Site" tutorial.

-= [0.7+] Creating a Build Site (For Players) =-

1. Once the admin has set up a build site, you may build it if you have the permission. Use /construct build to list all the sites you can build, including their costs. Alternatively, if you want things to be easier, you can use /construct by itself, then select "Build." From there, choose a site to create or view them, and then create it.

2. Once you see a building you'd like to create, find a place a comfortable distance away from any world-guard regions where you can't build. Currently, the build site won't tell you you're too close to a build site until it's done building. No need to waste money!

3. Perform the command /construct build (site), where (site) is the name of the building you want to make. Example: /construct build castle.

4. A sign will be placed and you will be charged a certain percentage of the total build cost which will also be charged at the end of the building process. The advance charge will be given back—if you complete the build site. If you break the sign (by not right-clicking it), you will not be given the advance charge back. So be very careful with this sign.

The sign will also have a clock, counting down.

5. When this clock reaches "0:0:0", it is replaced with the word "Complete". Upon it doing so, you can right-click the sign and finish your building.* Edit your new building however you like, and enjoy!

Note: If you right click it while time is still displayed (before it is done building), you will get a message telling you that you can't build yet. Also, you must have enough money (displayed on the third line of the sign) to finish the project. If you do not, you can't finish your building until you get enough. And finally, if you are too close to a world-guard region you can't build in, you will not be able to finish your site.

-= [0.9+] Making Build Stages =-

ConstructionSites Beta 0.9 introduced "Build Stages" and the "/con scan" command. This tutorial will give you a quick run-though about how to use both of these.

Designating Build Stages

This is easier than it appears.

1. Make several schematics that roughly resemble the final build site. Be sure that your build stage would not destroy the sign and that the play can easily get in and out of the building as it's being constructed. Also, don't make it out of materials that will total an expense more than the advance required to start the site, otherwise players may just use it as a cheap method of farming resources.

2. You can have as many stages as you want, but keep in mind the stages will only display if the creator of the site is online when it's time to show it. This is unfortunately a WorldEdit limitation that cannot be avoided currently. Here is an example of how you could make your build stages.

3. Next, save the stages as a schematic. They should have the same proportions as the finished product or else they will align sloppily while being displayed. You can't just save your schematic with any name, though. You must format the title in a specific manner so that the plugin knows when to display it. For example, if I wanted to make a schematic named "woodhouse" have three build stages that would display at 15 seconds, 10 seconds, and 5 seconds, you would name the schematics "woodhouse_0-0-15", "woodhouse_0-0-10", and "woodhouse_0-0-5" respectively. "woodhouse_0-0-15" would be the least finished build stage out of all of them, because it is closer to the start-time. Time counts down, and thus, the smaller it is in comparison to the build time, the more progressed the schematic should be.

/construct scan

/con(struct) scan is used to test and see where the dimensions of your construction site will end up. It's best if you want to accurately place your site in just the right spot. Using this is simple: Either use /construct to pull up the menu and choose "Scan," then select a site, or simply do /construct scan <site name>.

-= [0.9+] Using the Developer API (For Coders) =-

First, add ConstructionSites the way you added the craftbukkit.jar to your build location/libraries.

[0.9+] Make a Site

To make a Construction Site in code, use the following method:

new ConstructionSite = ConstructionSite(Location /* Where to place the X/Z center of the site */, UUID /* The UUID of the player placing it */, String /* The name of ConstructionSite to build */, String /* Custom prefix to use instead of the default [ConstructionSite] prefix when messaging player */, boolean /* Cost-free build */)

[1.0+] Event Listeners

The current event listeners are:

SiteCompleteEvent - Deprecated. Do not use. Use SiteFinishEvent instead.

SiteFinishEvent - Updated version of SiteCompleteEvent. Allows you to listen for when the site is finished. That is, when the site's second line reads "Complete."

SiteStartEvent - Allows you to listen for when the site is started with the /construct build command.

There is no SiteFinishedByUserEvent (or anything to that effect) currently. This is because I figured you could just listen with the PlayerInteractEvent.



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