
This project is abandoned and its default file will likely not work with the most recent version of Minecraft. Whether this project is out of date or its author has marked it as abandoned, this project is no longer maintained.


We've all seen the fancy teleportation systems that involve right-clicking the compass and then selecting the location you want to go to. But have you ever wished your players could teleport to their homes this way? Or just have the compass point to their home? Well, this plugin is perfect for you!

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  • Players can set homes at a location
  • The administrators can set a limit on the number of homes a player can set
  • The administrators can choose whether players should be teleported when they select a location or have their compass updated to point there
  • The administrators can define any number of public warps that players can use
  • The administrators can select the item used in the teleportation menu
  • The administrators can decide which item to display for a warp
  • And more...

Think we're missing a feature? Post it in the comments or submit a feature request!


The configuration file is fairly simple and straightforward.

Configuration optionValue (default value)Explanation
teleport-on-selectBoolean (true)Whether players should be teleported when they select a home/warp (true) or their compasses updated to point to that location without teleporting the player (false).
allow-cross-world-teleportation.homesBoolean (true)Whether players can teleport to their home that's in a different world.
allow-cross-world-teleportation.warpsBoolean (true)Whether players can teleport to a public warp that's in another world.
materials.homeMaterial (ENDER_PEARL)The item that should be used for the player's homes in the teleportation menu. Must be a valid Material
materials.warpMaterial (EYE_OF_ENDER)The item that should be used for the public warps in the teleportation menu. Must be a valid Material
maximum-homesInteger (10)The number of homes a player is allowed to set.
auto-updater.enabledBoolean (true)Set this to false to prevent the plugin from communication with Bukkit Dev to check for updates. (true)If this is set to true, the plugin will automatically be updated once a new version is approved on Bukkit Dev. Setting this to false will only display a notice in the console. If auto-updater.enabled is set to false, this does nothing at all.


  • /sethome <home name> Set a home at the current location. The name must be alphanumeric and cannot contain spaces.
  • /delhome <home name> Delete a set home.
  • /setwarp <warp name> Set a public warp at the current location. The warp can be accessed by anybody. The name must be alphanumeric and cannot contain spaces.
  • /delwarp <warp name> Delete a public warp.
  • /compass Open the Teleportation Menu.
  • /warpitem Set the item shown for a certain warp in the Teleportation menu.


Permission nameDefaultDescription
compasshome.useEverybodyAllow right-clicking the compass to bring up the teleportation menu
compasshome.compassOPAllow opening the teleportation menu via command (/compass)
compasshome.sethomeEverybodyAllow access to /sethome and /delhome
compasshome.sethome.unlimitedOPBypass the maximum-homes check
compasshome.setwarpOPAllow creating a public warp
compasshome.delwarpOPAllow deleting a public warp


CompassHome: homes CompassHome: warps

Click for larger images


If you found a bug or have a feature request, please open a ticket on GitHub: Issue tracker If you don't know how to do something or aren't sure if you've found a bug or not, post a comment over here on Bukkit Dev or hop onto IRC: #deprecatednether on (web chat).

If you like this plugin, a donation is always appreciated. You can donate via PayPal or send me Bitcoins to 1EGtvgv8xrR7MqpiFWocsC5euYPPSeXQ1G :)

Inspired by mw74126's request.


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