Config File

Configuration File

#This is what is used to signify the different type of data in the one string. This should not be changed if you do not know what you are doing.
delimiter: ':'
#The stock is where all your commands go that you want to user to buy. Syntax: command:cost:title
#Use whatever your delimiter is set to split your data.

#To add a command do the following:
# - /title    ---> This would make it so you can buy the /title command for a default price set below, it will also make it so that the title says '/title for <default price>'. It will also lock the command so you can only use it if you buy it!
# - /title:50    ---> This makes it so you can buy the title command for $50. This will make the default title of '/title for $50'
# - /title:50:Buy /title today for only $50    ---> This makes it so you are selling the command '/title' for $50 with the title 'Buy /title today for only $50' (This also supports color formatting!)
#Feel free to set the cost to a decimal. It doesn't have to be a whole number!

    - /msg:5:Buy /msg now, its on sale for $5!
    - /tp:30
    - /me
    - /clear:59.99:&eBuy &6&l/clear &efor $59.99!
    - /summon
    - /particle
    - /say
    - /list
    - /effect

#The players sections shows all the players that have bought commands and the commands they have bought.
#In this case the player 'bob' has bought the commands /msg, /tp and /say
        - /msg
        - /tp
        - /say
#This is the price set to a command if not specified.
default price: 10
#This is the datatype that is set to the glass pane if it has not been purchased.
locked data type: 14
#This is the datatype that is set to the glass pane if it has been purchased.
unlocked data type: 5
#This is the text that appears on top of the command shop inventory.
inventory title: '&c&l&nCommands'
#This is the title given to the glass pane once it has been purchased.
bought title: '&5&lYou have bought this command!'
#This is the message that appears in chat if you click on the glass pane you have already bought.
bought message: '&dYou have already bought this command!'
#This is the message that appears if you try and do a command you have not bought!
command message: '&c&lYou must buy this command! Unlock it using /commands!'
#If set to false the inventory will not close once you buy a command from the shop.
close on buy: true
#If set to true all ops will be able to use commands from the shop without having to buy any.
op override: false


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