


  auto-update: true ## Specify whether this Plugin should auto-update
  use-unknown-command-message: true ## Specify whether the Message below should override the default Unknown Command-Message
  unknown-command-message: 'm&7Sorry, I do not recognize this Command! Please type &b/help &7for Help.' ## Pretty self explaining, the Message which gets displayed when the Command does not exist or if it is not overriden by CommandOverride
commands: ## Here you can create your own Commands
  /example: ## The Name of the Command
  - '&aThis is an Example Message' ## Followed by the Messages Players will receive when they execute this Command
  - '&6Feel free to ignore me ;)' ## Color Codes are supported
  - '&eYou propably want to change something in the config here. Just set /example: []'
  - '&cIf you do that this message will no longer show up.'
  - command:/say You can also make players execute commands now ## You can also make Player run commands.
  /help: ## You can also use this to override other Commands. For Example /plugins 
  - '&7=====[ &aHelp Menu &7]====='
  - ''
  - '&7/sell &b- Allows you to sell Stuff'
  /vote: [] ## If you want to get rid of a custom Command and make it no longer override existing Commands just set it to []
  - 'All online &cAdmins&r:'
  - '[online: permission.XYZ]' ## Using the [online: <permission>] tag, you can list all Online Players who have this Permission.
  - 'Your name is: &6<player>' ## <player> will be replaced with the name of the Player who executed the command
  - console:/give <player> diamond 64 ## Using console:/ will execute a Command from the console
  - [permission: permission.cheat]console:/give <player> diamond 1 ## You can also use the [permission] Prefix in front of a Message/Command to make it only be sent/executed if you have the specified permission
  - [permission: permission.cheat]You are permitted to cheat
  - op-command:/kick <arg 0> ## You can not only run commands as an Op now, you can also use arguments in your Commands. Note here that java is zero-indexed!! This means that 0 refers to the first argument
  - broadcast:3
  - WAIT 1 ## The WAIT syntax must be the only argument on the line. Nothing must stand before or after this except for the time in seconds
  - broadcast:2
  - WAIT 1
  - broadcast:1
  - WAIT 1
  - broadcast:The countdown is over
  - '[unicode: 21E7] This is an Arrow pointing up'
  - '[unicode: 21E9] This is an Arrow pointing down' ## Since v1.3 there is also support for Unicodes!


/whatstheversion: /version ## You can also create Aliases for Commands!
/maketheservershutdown: /stop ## Its as easy as adding a new Entry here


  permission: permission.plugins ## You can also specify permissions to be required for certain commands no
  message: '&4You do not have permission for /plugins' ## And of course the message which will be sent if you dont have the correct permission is configurable as well


  cooldown: 10 ## You can also specify cooldowns for certain commands, so the Player can only execute this Command every X seconds
  message: '&4You have to wait &c%time% &4before you can do &c/plugins &4again!' ## And of course the message which will be sent if you are on a cooldown can be customized as well. The placeholder %time% will be replaced with the remaining seconds. The placeholder %command% refers to the executed command


    min: 2 ## To make sure your custom commands are entered correctly, you can also make sure they have entered at least X arguments
    message: '&4Usage: &c /tell <player> <message>' ## If they entered less arguments, you can tell them the correct usage


  cost: 0.0 ## You can also specify a penalty in form of money for commands
  message: '&4You need &c$%money% &4to perform this command'


  cost: 0 ## If you are using PrisonGems, then you can also make your Commands cost Gems
  message: '&4You need &c%gems% Gems &4to perform this command'


  cost: 2 ## You can also make commands cost XP levels now
  message: '&4You need &c%levels% Levels &4toperform this command'