Command Cooldown

Command Cooldown

Command Cooldown

Command Cooldown allows you to set a cooldown for any command, set in a config. What can you use it for? Standard users might have to wait xxx amount of seconds between uses of a command like warp, while donator ranks would get lower, or perhaps even no cooldown between uses. Or perhaps you just want a 60 seconds delay between uses of /smite! It's all possible!


In the config.yml, simple add the command you want limited, followed by the seconds of delay. After that, every user with the permission "commandcooldown." + (commandname) + (seconds of delay) will have to wait that amount of seconds between uses of the command. Any cooldowns will stay persistent even if the server reloads or restarts!

Example: In the config, if " - heal60" is added under "commands:", all players with the permission "commandcooldown.heal60" will have to wait 60 seconds between uses of /heal. If you also have " - heal20" in the config, and a player has both permissions "commandcooldown.heal20" and "commandcooldown.heal60", they will only have to wait 20 seconds.

The config comes with two example uses.


  • /commandcooldown - reloads the plugin configuration without having to restart the server.


  • commandcooldown.override - override all cooldowns.
  • commandcooldown.[command][seconds of delay] - delay a command for a specific rank. This permission will only be active if it has been set in the config first. Example: commandcooldown.smite60.
    • If a player does not have any commandcooldown permissions relating to a command, he or she will not be limited by any cooldowns that are in the configuration pertaining to that command.
  • commandcooldown.reload - allows use of /commandcooldown, which reloads the configuration without having to restart the server.

Here is the source code, if you're curious: source


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Mar 25, 2013
  • Last Released File
    Mar 27, 2013
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