Command Block Editor

Command Block Editor

This plugin adds functionality for editing command blocks' commands and names, primarily to allow for formatting and special characters. This will be useful for mapmakers since, as far as I know, the only way to do this before was using some kind of NBT Editor.


There are three things you can use this plugin for: spawning command blocks, editing the commands in a command block, and renaming a command block.

  • To spawn a command block, use the command "/commandblock get" and you will receive a command block.
  • To edit the command in a command block, use the command "/commandblock edit" followed by the command you desire, then left click on the command block that you wish to apply this command to. You can format the text in the command using the "&' character instead of the "ยง" character (since you can't type this in Minecraft). To see the available formatting codes, visit the Minecraft Wiki page on Formatting Codes.
  • To edit the name of a command block (this shows up when the command block uses the "/me" and "/tell" commands) use the command "/commandblock rename" followed by the name you'd like to give the command block, then left click on the command block that you wish to rename. This also allows formatting using the "&" character.


  • /commandblock edit [command] - Edits the command block that you click on to have the command you enter. Allows text formatting.
  • /commandblock rename [name] - Edits the name of the command block that you click on. Allows text formatting.
  • /commandblock get - Gives you a command block.

All text formatting uses the "&" character.


  • commandblock.*
  • commandblock.edit
  • commandblock.rename
  • commandblock.get

Have fun!


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Aug 13, 2013
  • Last Released File
    Aug 13, 2013
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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