Commands & Permissions

/hubTeleport's you to the hub location.tcs.hubALL
/spawnTeleport's you to the servers Spawn location.tcs.spawnALL
/backTeleport's you back to your last known location.tcs.backALL
/tpa <Player>Sends a teleport request to the specified player.tcs.tpaALL
/tpacceptAccept's a pending teleport request.tcs.tpacceptALL
/sethome <HomeName>Set's your home location.tcs.sethomeALL
/home <HomeName>Teleport's you to your home location. If no name is specified it will display a list of your homes.tcs.homeALL
/delhome <HomeName>Delete's your home.tcs.delhomeALL
/warp <WarpName>Teleport's you to the specified warp location. If no name is specified it will display a list of Warp Locations.tcs.warpALL
/setwarp <WarpName>Set's the specified Warp Location.tcs.admin.setwarpOP
/delwarp <WarpName>Delete's the specified Warp Location.tcs.admin.delwarpOP
/sethubSet's the servers Hub location.tcs.admin.sethubOP
/setspawnSet's the servers Spawn location.tcs.admin.setspawnOP
/setwarp <WarpName>Set's the specified Warp Location.tcs.admin.setwarpOP
/ban <Player> <Reason>Ban's & Kick's the specified player with the Reason specified.tcs.admin.banOP
/unban <Player>Unbans the specified player.tcs.admin.unbanOP
/kick <Player> <Reason>Kick's the specified player with the Reason specified.tcs.admin.kickOP
/tp <Player>Instantly teleport's you to the specified player.tcs.admin.tpOP
/gm <Survival, Creative, Adventure> <Player>Set's your gamemode to the specified mode. If a Player is specified, it will set that players mode. (Gamemode alias: 0,1,2)tcs.admin.gamemodeOP

Bonus Permissions

tcs.admin.multiplehomesAllows you to have more then one home.OP


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