Changeolog - ClearGlobalChat

Changeolog For Clear_Chat Plugin !

ClearGlobalChat UPDATE v1.2.0 !

- Added support for all Minecraft 1.8!!
- Added 6 new varibles: /clearglobal (as /cg), /clearprivate (as /cp), /muteglobal (as /mg)
- Added blocked command /me when chat is disabled + message.
- Fixed plugin code
- Fixed errors when you start plugin on spigot (1.8)
- Fixed command: /chatmute, /cm
- Updated information when you start plugin
- Updated Messages (plugins/ClearChat/messages.yml)
- Updated plugin code for 1.8.x
- Removed Metrics - I don't want to keep statistics

ClearGlobalChat UPDATE v1.1.0 !

- Added 4 command to reload: /chatreload, /crl, /chatrl
- Added Permissions: clearchat.reload
- Added Metrics
- Added information when you start plugin
- Added a lot of changeable message
- Fixed plugin code
- Fixed errors when you start plugin on spigot (1.7)
- Fixed command: /chatmute, /cm
- Fixed errors when you use command in console

Clear_Chat UPDATE v1.0.0:

- Updated to CB 1.7.2/4/5/7/8/10 and Spigot 1.7
- Added messages (plugins/ClearChat/messages.yml)
- Fixed console error when someone typed the command in console
- Improved command
- Changed command /chat to /chatmute and /cm

ClearGlobalChat UPDATE v3.0 !

- Updated to CB 1.6.4-R0.1
- Added configurations common messages
- Divided plugin functions
- When cleaning the main chat who says it cleaned

ClearGlobalChat UPDATE v2.0 !

- Updated to CB 1.6.2-R0.1 BETA
- Fixed Plugin Code
- Improved Language Polish, English and French
- Added command '/ chat' locking chatting to people without permissions
- Moved Permissions from 'plugin.yml' class files
- Changed the appearance of the string 'You do not have permission to use this command'
- Added Ability to run on servers craftbukkit 1.5.2, 1.6.1, 1.6.2
- Added information appears in the console if the player does not have permissions to use the command
- When switching off and switching on chat shows the one who turned on and turned off the chat

Clear_Chat UPDATE v1.4:

- Updated to 1.6.2-R0.1
- Added a new subtitle startup and shutdown the server
- Added french language

Clear_Chat UPDATE v1.3:

- Updated to 1.6.2-R0.1
- Added a new subtitle startup and shutdown the server

Clear_Chat UPDATE v1.2:

- Updated to 1.6.2-R0.1

Clear_Chat UPDATE v1.1:

- Updated to 1.6.1-R0.1

Clear_Chat UPDATE v1.0:

- Added Command "/cc"
- Added Command "/cpc"
- Added Permissions
- Added Command "/help ClearChat"
- Language: English, Polish (separate files .jar)
- Updated to 1.5.2-R1.0