Chat Responder

ChatResponder version 1.11

Chat Responder version 1.11

Now compatible with 1.9

ChatResponder picks up pre-defined common texts (questions, phrases) from the chat and automatically responds to it. If you manage one or more servers, the typical questions (and answers) can help you deal with those questions. This plugin does not use metrics, so it should not add extra burden on your traffic. You will need to customise the config.yml to cover your typical questions. It allows you to point many questions to the same responses. You can use chat color codes, pre-defined variables and user-defined variables.

From version 1.1, you can detect keywords and prepare multiple responses (it will be randomly chosen from the multiple responses) to a single question as well.

How to customise ChatResponder plugin

You can customise the ChatResponder in config.yml.

1. responder: section

To change the responder from the default <response> to <system>, change the line
responder: <response>
responder: <system>

2. question: and response: sections

   - how do i join#1
   - hello#2
   - 1,i don't know
   - 2,i am fine, thankyou
In this example, if a player type 'how do i join' in the chat, ChatResponder will reply with the 1 in response section (i don't know).
You can create more than one questions and have it point to the same response.
   - how do i join#1
   - can i be a staff member?#1
   - hello#2
   - 1,i don't know
   - 2,i am fine, thankyou
In this example, if a player type 'how do i join' or 'can i be a staff member?' in the chat, ChatResponder will reply with the 1 in response section (i don't know).
You can use colour code with & as in Essentials .
Make sure you use & instead of ยง if you are following or .
   - how do i join#1
   - can i be a staff member?#1
   - hello#2
   - 1,i &adon't &rknow
   - 2,i am fine, thankyou
In this example, the word "don't" will appear in green color.

3. You can use pre-defined variables in the response line.

   - how do i join#1
   - can i be a staff member?#1
   - hello#2
   - 1,i don't know <%playername%>
   - 2,i am fine, thankyou
In this example, the response will be 'i don't know Steve' (if the player's name is 'Steve').
** Currently, there are 7 pre-defined variables.

Pre-defined variables

<%playername%>The player's name
<%playerdisplayname%>The player's display name
<%servername%>The current server name
<%servertime%>The current server computer time (hh:mm)
<%serverdate%>The current date (dd/mm/yyyy)
<%uuid%>The player's UUID
<%randomuser%>Randomly selected online user's displayname

4. You can create your own user-defined variables

to ease your typing as long as it is not in conflict with the pre-defined variables.
When using user defined variables, place <% .. %> around your variables in the response list.
   - how do i join#1
   - can i be a staff member?#1
   - hello#2
   - 1,i don't know <%jumbo%>
   - 2,i am fine, thankyou
   - jumbo,Jumbo No Limits
   - ama, A M A Q Q
In this example, the response will be 'i don't know Jumbo No Limits'.

Sample of basic config.yml

More advanced settings

5. <%lookfor%> keyword

You can use <%lookfor%> to search the chat line. For example,
This will use response #4 if it detects both "how" and "join" in the chat.

6. Multiple responses

If you put more than one response key after the # (seperated by "," - comma), ChatResponder will randomly select one of them to respond.
For example,
  - hi,#1,2,3
  - 1, Hi <%playername%>, how are you?
  - 2, Hello, how are you <%playername%>?
  - 3, Hey <%playername%>, long time no see.

Sample of more advanced config.yml

7. Turn ChatResponder on/off

You can
type /chatresponder off to turn off the ChatResponder, or
type /chatresponder on to turn on the ChatResponder, again.
It is automatically on when the plugin is loaded.

Permission to use this command (for admin) is chatresponder.use

8. Versions

Chat Responder is currently compatible with 1.8.3, 1.8.8 and 1.9


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