

Cenotaph - A Dead Man's chest plugin for Bukkit Save your players' inventory from disappearing when they die.


If the player is carrying a chest when they die, place that chest and fill it with as much of their inventory as possible If the player is allowed, and is carrying two chests, a large chest will spawn to catch all of their inventory Possible for specific groups/players to be given free chests with no need to carry one with them Any items that won't fit in the chest will still drop to the ground! Supports the Permissions plugin, will default to allowing everyone to use basic tombstone if not available Supports LWC for chest AND sign protection if it is installed Configurable timeout for LWC unprotection Configurable timeout for destruction of tombstones, works in unloaded chunks as well Quickloot support, right click the sign on a tombstone to loot all items in it (Your tombstone only!) Place a sign on top of the chest stating the players name and time of death The ability to point your compass at your tombstones! (Broken in 1.4) Configurable messages on Cenotaph signs Admin commands for management


  • cenotaph.use - Allow the player/group to use the cenotaph mod
  • cenotaph.freechest - Allow the player to get a chest whether they are carrying a chest or not
  • cenotaph.large - Allow the player to spawn a large chest if carrying two chests and if one will fit
  • cenotaph.lwc - Protect the placed chest if LWC is enabled
  • cenotaph.lockette - Protect the placed chest if LocketteEnable config is true (you need lockette or deadbolt for this to work right)
  • cenotaph.sign - Whether the player gets a sign on their cenotaph chest
  • cenotaph.freesign - Allow the player to get a free sign whether they are carrying one or not.
  • cenotaph.freelockettesign - Give the player an additional free sign for Lockette
  • cenotaph.quickloot - Whether to allow a player/group to quickloot by right clicking the cenotaph sign.
  • cenotaph.cmd.cenotaphlist - Allow this user to use /cenlist
  • cenotaph.cmd.cenotaphfind - Allow this user to use /cenfind
  • cenotaph.cmd.cenotaphinfo - Allow this user to use /ceninfo
  • cenotaph.cmd.cenotaphreset - Allow this user to use /cenreset
  • cenotaph.admin - Allow this user to physically destroy others' cenotaphs. Also a prerequisite for use of the other admin commands
  • cenotaph.admin.list - Allow this user to see all cenotaphs with /cenadmin list
  • cenotaph.admin.find - Allow this user to find any cenotaph with /cenadmin find
  • cenotaph.admin.info - Allow this user to check the time left on any cenotaph with /cenadmin time
  • cenotaph.admin.remove - Allow this user to destroy any cenotaph with /cenadmin remove
  • cenotaph.admin.reload - Allow this user to reload Cenotaph's configuration from config.yml


User commands:


Lists your current cenotaphs with index numbers for the other commands.

/cenfind <index>

Gives more information about a specific cenotaph and sets your compass to point at it.

/ceninfo <index>

Description: Tells how much time is left before a specific cenotaph unlocks or breaks


Sets your compass to point to your spawn again after using /cenfind

Admin commands:

/cenadmin list

Displays all players with cenotaphs.

/cenadmin list <player>

Displays all cenotaphs for a player with indexes.

/cenadmin find <player> <index>

Displays additional information about a specific cenotaph (does not set compass like the user version does).

/cenadmin info <player> <index>

Gives time information about the indicated cenotaph.

/cenadmin remove <player> <index>

Destroys the indicated cenotaph, dropping its contents on the ground.

/cenadmin version

Displays the current version of this plugin and checks for a new version


Config Options: https://github.com/cindyker/Cenotaph/blob/master/src/main/resources/config.yml


Drakia: Cenotaph was originally Tombstone, by Drakia (TheDgtl). Many thanks to him for his hard work on the original plugin. You can access his Github repository here: https://github.com/TheDgtl/Tombstone

Acru: Thanks to Acru, the developer of Lockette, as well. His help getting the Lockette integration working as I stumbled by way though picking up Java was invaluable. :)

SouthPaw: for all the updates up to 4.0

cindyker: I removed the hard dependency on lockette for being available. Deadbolt and Lockette use the same sign types. So now it will just uses the config to decide.


[Version 4.5] - Fix Cenotaph's being left on the list when destroyed by tnt. - Added the ability prevent tnt from breaking chests. Add tntProtection: true to the config.

[Version 4.4] - Fix Lockette blockface check.

[Version 4.3] - More Chest checks to be fixed.

[Version 4.2] - Fixed empty chest check

[Version 4,1] - Updated to support LWC 4.5

[Version 4.0] - Build against 1.8 Spigot - Changed Lockette dependency, now you can use DeadBolt too - Java Version 1.7 - and MAVEN! :D

[Version 3.1] - Build against 1.6.4 Craftbukkit RB - Fix sign code to use new Bukkit metadata system - Build against 1.6 plugin dependencies released as of January 2014

[Version 3.0.2] - Build against 1.5.1 beta CB - Build against plugin dependencies as of April 2013

[Version 3.0.1] - Add option to disable Dynmap - Fix error on shutdown when Dynmap is not loaded/enabled - A few minor improvements in speed/efficiency - When used without an index number, the find and info commands now default to the last (most recent) cenotaph instead of giving an


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