
Default config:

Update Notify: true

# The message prefix in chat
Prefix: CallingBlock

# Sign Prefix: CallingBlock = [CallingBlock] on line 1 of sign
Sign Prefix: CallingBlock

# Must be in caps. Spaces must be replaced with an underscore (_)
Calling Block: GOLD_BLOCK

# Must be in caps. Spaces must be replaced with an underscore (_)
Teleport Enable Item: GOLD_PICKAXE

# Must be in caps. Spaces must be replaced with an underscore (_)
Enable Item: GOLD_SPADE

# If a player tries calling and the other player is in the radius of X, cancel the call
# Set to 0 if no radius
Call Radius: 10

Explanation of each:

Config NameDescription
Update notifyEnable or disable update notifications
PrefixCustomise the prefix in chat messages
Sign PrefixThe prefix on line 1 of calling block signs
Calling BlockThe block that's used for calling
Teleport Enable ItemThe item that enables and disables teleporting on calling block signs
Enable ItemThe item that enables and disables calling blocks
Call RadiusThe block radius of how far the caller can be when calling