Config and setup

Setup the config file with the descriptions below be careful chaging the worlds and items and make sure you have it in the same format check in a Yaml parser if unsure

most changes to customisable items will need you to recreate your config file - if so just delete it and restart server. it will regenerate.

You do not have to alter anything in the config the plugin will work with default settings

## BYTE RPG config File

## Welcome to the RPG plugin designed for be careful how you edit the following details use a yaml editor if you do have to edit this file.

################## Bar and scoreboards ###################

##Use the BYTE scoreboard
byteScoreboardEnabled: true

##whether to use BarAPI support for thirst bar
useBarAPI: false
barAPIMessage: Your thirst

##use scoreboard stats for thirst level
useScoreboardStats: false

##use xp bar as thirst bar
useXpScore: false

################## world settings #########################

##Enabled worlds
  - world
  - world_nether
  - world_the_end

################## Thirst check settings #################

##Time in ticks between each thirst check
timeBetweenChecks: 500

##Amount in % thirst is reduced each check
normal: 1
savannah: 2 
desert: 4
jungle: 3
nether: 3

################## Thirst messages and levels ###########

##levels at which messages sent in %
thirsty: 40
parched: 20
dehydrated: 10

##messages for each level above
thirstyMessage: You are starting to feel very thirsty and are weakening.
parchedMessage: You are parched, you are starting to slow.
dehydratedMessage: You are dehydrated, your eyes are dimming
dyingMessage: You are so thirsty, you are dying.

fullyRefreshedMessage: You are fully refreshed
itemConsumeMessage: Thirst + 

################# Custom Items ##########################

##custom item names for boiled and snow melted water
boiledWaterName: Boiled Water
boiledWaterLore: Water boiled in a furnace
snowWaterName: Pure Water
snowWaterLore: Water melted from snow

##custom items above refresh rate

boiledWaterRefresh: 25
snowWaterRefresh: 30

##objects & liquid that replenishes plus percentage gained
  373: 20
##water bottle
  282: 10
##Mushroom stew
  413: 10
##rabbit stew
  335: 15
##milk bucket
  360: 5
##melon slice

################### MECHANICS  #########################

##how much damage is caused on dehydration (double)
damage: 1.0

##how many water bottles you can stack
bottleStack: 10

##refresh the player if they eneter water
refreshOnSwim: true

##armorWeightplugin - reduce thirst on player weight
armorWeightEnabled: true

##amount armorweight plugin additionally reduces thirst per check per 20 armour weight, fnll integer only

weightModifier: 1