Bucket O' Security

Hello everyone,

This is my first Bukkit plugin. It's basically SecurityCraft, for Bukkit servers. I'll be trying to add as much features as possible from my mod into this plugin.

Current features:

/Lock command:
Sets a passcode onto a chest, which keeps anyone from modifiying it's inventory unless you enter the right combination. (just like the password-protected chest in SecurityCraft.)

/lock <passcode>: This will set the passcode onto the chest the player is currently looking at.
/lock <chestX> <chestY> <chestZ> <passcode>: This will set the passcode onto the chest at the given coordinates.

/Trap command:
"Booby-traps" a block, so whenever it is right-clicked on, it will explode (just like the mines in SecurityCraft.)

/trap: This will booby-trap whatever block the player is currently looking at.
/trap <blockX> <blockY> <blockZ>: This will booby-trap the block at the given coordinates.

Upcoming features:
-More commands!
-Saving necessary world info to a file in the appropriate "plugins" folder, instead of in the root server directory.

Please leave any feedback or suggestions you may have!



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