
This project is abandoned and its default file will likely not work with the most recent version of Minecraft. Whether this project is out of date or its author has marked it as abandoned, this project is no longer maintained.

bProtect - Easy block protection and management for OPs Version: 0.1
Introduction bProtect is a advanced and easy protection management for users. The name is short for Block Protect. It isn't the most original name.

The plugin works by when a user types /bp (command toggle off and on) whatever block they place will be protected.

I have also coded the function to blacklist certain blocks that you don't want protected and just placed. OR you can add only certain blocks you would like protected or just ALL to make all blocks protected. But if you have blocks still in the blacklist. They still won't be ignored.

Only the owner of the block or admin can break it and will alert you when you have placed a protected block or broken one.

Admins have special functions such as typing /bp_findblocks [radius] [owner] and will show a count of blocks within that radius by the owner or just /bp_findblocks [radius] and will show a count of blocks which are protected in that area by anyone

Another function is /bp_delprotection [radius] [owner] and will delete any protection blocks have within that radius by the owner or same as the top by just /bp_delprotection [radius] and will remove the protection by anyone. The delprotection does not remove the actual block!
Admins also have /bp_inspect and right clicking any block will tell you the owner of that block


  • bProtect must use MySQL or a mysql storage engine (you can even use a free mysql db host)
  • Only OP's have access to admin functions
  • Calculating the radius, etc is on a separate thread to prevent lag.
  • You must use the configuration file included. It does not generate one!

    • Features

  • Users can protect their own placed blocks
  • Administrators/OPs have commands to prevent protection griefing (read up top ^)
  • Administrators/OPs also get a wand.
  • This also works for placing dirt and when grass grows on it, inside the database, the type or material will update
  • Multi-world support
  • If you have added buckets in the blacklist. It will stop them from placing buckets to be protected (if that makes sense)


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Jun 20, 2012
  • Last Released File
    Jun 20, 2012
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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