This project is abandoned and its default file will likely not work with the most recent version of Minecraft. Whether this project is out of date or its author has marked it as abandoned, this project is no longer maintained.


Build your own arena, setup the config and start playing. Fight aganist your enemies or your friends and see, how strong you are with your team!
Everybody has some standard equipment at the beginning of the game. If you kill an enemy, you'll get 1 level up and get better equipment. This is a team based game, so you have to fight in a team. Your team has a amount of lives, which you can configure in the config. The team, which has at first 0 lives, will loose. All winners will get a customizeable amount of money, which you can also configure in the config.


Note: You can use /bpvp instead of /bowpvp

  • /bowpvp - Shows general informations
  • /bowpvp help - Shows all commands
  • /bowpvp spectate - You'll be teleported to the spectatorspawn and you can watch the game
  • /bowpvp lobby - You'll be teleported to the lobby
  • /bowpvp team list - Shows all valid teams
  • /bowpvp team members - Shows all members of your current team
  • /bowpvp team join <team> - You join the team <team>. Vaild teams are red and blue
  • /bowpvp team leave - You'll leave your current team
  • /bowpvp arena join - You'll be teleported to the arena
  • /bowpvp arena leave - You'll be teleported to lobby and you leave the current match
  • /bowpvp inventory load - Loads your inventory, which you had before the BowPVP-Match

Admins only

  • /bowpvp start - Starts a game
  • /bowpvp end - Ends a game
  • /bowpvp setspectatorspawn - Sets the spawn for spectators
  • /bowpvp setlobbyspawn - Sets the spawn for the lobby
  • /bowpvp setspawn <team> - Sets the spawn for the team <team>. Vaild teams are red and blue



bowpvp.adminGives the permissions for 'Admins only' commands and 'Players' commands(Look at Commands)
bowpvp.playerGives the permissions for 'Players' commands(Look at Commands)
bowpvp.sign.createAllows you to create a BowPVP-Sign
bowpvp.sign.breakAllows you to break a BowPVP-Sign
bowpvp.sign.useAllows you to use a BowPVP-Sign

bowpvp.*Allows you to do everything
bowpvp.sign.*Allows you to create, break and use BowPVP-Signs




- Amount of lives for every team
lives: 20
- minimal amount of players to start automatical a match
minPlayers: 1
- Countdown in seconds before a match
countdown: 30
- Should players get money?
useEconomy: false
- Amount of money a player will receive after a win. useEconomy has to be ENABLED!
amount: 100.0
- This is in front of every message from this plugin
prefix: '&6[BowPVP] '
- Simple placeholder
line: '&6+================================================+'
- This is in front of an players name in chat, who is in team red
prefixTeamRed: '&4[RED]&f'
- This is in front of an players name in chat, who is in team blue
prefixTeamBlue: '&1[BLUE]&f'
- Here are all messages, look in the config for more information:


Install Notes, IMPORTANT!

1.) Make sure that you installed Vault, if you set 'useEconomy: true'
2.) Copy the Plugin(s) into your plugins-folder
3.) Start the server and stop it
4.) Edit the BowPVP-Config for your server
5.) Start the server again
6.) Create an arena (You can watch my video for it, but it's german)


The signs will change their text after creating them successfully.  

LineJoin Team RedJoin Team BlueLeave TeamJoin ArenaLeave ArenaLoad InventoryTeleport to LobbyTeleport to Spectators



PS: Thanks for using my plugins :)


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Oct 26, 2014
  • Last Released File
    Apr 9, 2015
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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