
This project is abandoned and its default file will likely not work with the most recent version of Minecraft. Whether this project is out of date or its author has marked it as abandoned, this project is no longer maintained.


Hello guys, GianlucaPMC here! And this is my "first", real plugin on BukkitDev!

So, what is this plugin? I'm sure you've been on big servers, like TheHive, etc... and, I'm sure you've also seen those pressure plate "boosters" they have! Well, this is basically a public release of that! Coded in my style!

Uhm, what about customization? Good question! Because this is the first release of the plugin, you cannot customize anything, yet! I've set it like this because I don't want to put hours of time and effort into a plugin that only 3-5 people will use and enjoy! If this plugin gets a couple of downloads, I'll release an update which will allow you to customize almost everything! From blocks, to the distance covered! You name it!

How do we go about updating? Another good one there! I try to release "working" builds at least twice per Minecraft update! In the updates, they'll generally include bug fixes, and/or added features! Plus, one day, I'll implement an auto updating feature to save you guys the time! But, please don't beg for an update! As TimTower once said, "Outdated does not mean broken"! That means that older versions of plugins will still work on newer versions of Bukkit!

Installation, you say? To install this, it's very simple, just drop the BoostPads.jar file into your /plugins directory and start up the server! Upon startup, all newly placed pressure plates will automatically become boost pads! Amazing, ain't it? And, players will a specific permission will be able to use it, no problem! While, players without the permission will not be able to use it! Sorry!

Permissions: This is a very simple plugin! It comes with just one permission! boostpads.use - Players with that permission can use the boost pads! It defaults to ops though! That'll come in handy if you don't have a permissions plugin!

Donations: If you like my work, and would like to donate, in the future I'll include a handy button to help do that! Plus, donating will also get you some custom features on some of my newer/other plugins! Watch this space!


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Jun 26, 2014
  • Last Released File
    Jun 26, 2014
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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