BloodMoney (OLD)


This is a simple plugin that allows players to earn economy money for killing other players.


This project has reloacated. Go here for the newest version.




  1. Grab Vault, your economy plugin and your permissions plugin and put then in your server's plugins directory
  2. Place the BloodMoney plugin in the same directory
  3. Configure to your liking!

How to configure

Plugin config

      gain: 25.0
      loss: 10.0
      gain 50.0
      loss: 5.0
      gain: 100.0
      loss: 0.0

  customPrefix: "&6[&4Blood&cMoney&6]"
  sendMessageToDeadPlayer: true
  killMessage: You have recieved %m for killing %p
  deathMessage: You were killed by %p and received %m
  loseMoneyOnDeath: true
  • bloodmoney: The root of all BloodMoney configuration entries. Do not remove!
  • ranks: Each rank that the BloodMoney plugin has. All sub-entries of ranks are completely customizable (newbie, member, staff are only sample values)
  • Sub-entries of ranks: The amount of money that the rank gets for killing players. "gain" is the amount they get for killing players, and "loss" is the amount they lose for dying.
  • customPrefix: The message that is prefixed to any chat message from the plugin. Supports colour codes. Make sure to keep the entire prefix in quotations, they are important. If you remove them, you will get an exception in your server on startup and the prefix will be "null".
  • sendMessageToDeadPlayer: true if you want to send a message to the killed player, false otherwise
  • killMessage: The message sent to players when they kill someone. %m = the amount of money given, %p = the player that was killed
  • deathMessage: The message sent to players when they get killed. %p = the player that killed you. This message is not sent if sendMessageToDeadPlayer is set to false.
  • loseMoneyOnDeath: If set to true, players lose money when they die. Can be bypassed for certain ranks by setting "loss" to 0.0.


  • bloodmoney.admin: Grants access to admin commands
  • bloodmoney.rank.<groupName>: Sets the amount of money that the player gets and loses. <groupName> corresponds to a sub-entry of ranks in the config.


  • /bmreloadconfig: Reloads the plugin configuration. Only available to people with the bloodmoney.admin permission.


This project is licensed under the MIT Licence which can be found here. The source can be found in my GitHub repo here.



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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Sep 29, 2015
  • Last Released File
    Apr 13, 2016
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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