

The simple way to control every type of block.

Blokker is a server-wide anti-griefing tool for block limitations and controlled destruction. Control which blocks players can place and destroy, and what blocks can be destroyed in explosions. Choose between a whitelist or a blacklist, and decide which blocks are legal to edit or not. Blokker even supports block data, which means you can even control different colors of wool or different types of stone brick.

Blokker is useful for servers with limit destruction on maps, such as a round-based capture-the-flag server or a hunger games server. Use Blokker to only allow the destruction and placement of vines, long grass, flowers, or more! Blokker could also let server admins limit the use of TNT, without preventing it entirely. Un-griefable bases can now be built with a material other than obsidian, and still be impenetrable to TNT.

Please keep in mind that Blokker is still under development. I do not plan on adding regions any time soon. You can use great plugins like WorldGuard for that, although other plugins may not be as useful for controlling specific types of blocks. However, I do *plan* on adding:

  • Support for multiple worlds
  • TNT explosion drops
  • A limiting system for TNT chain reactions
  • A crafting table manager, to prevent the creating of banned items
  • An inventory manager, to prevent/allow the possession of banned items
  • And possibly more!


Blokker currently supports two separate list types, one for players and one for TNT. As of the current release, player placing and breaking actions are controlled by the same list. Each list can either be a whitelist or a blacklist. Whitelists allow only the blocks contained in the list, and blacklists allow all blocks, except for those in the list. Be aware that a TNT whitelist protects all blocks not in the list and the TNT blacklist allows all blocks to be destroyed except those in the list. Additional controls of different events will come as new list types are added.


Below is a list and explanation of all Blokker commands.

<list type> - tnt or player

Toggling between whitelist and blacklist

  • /blokker toggle <list type> - Toggles the given list type between a whitelist and a blacklist. Although only the whitelist or blacklist may be active for the given list type at one time, each are stored separately and can be toggled without re-adding or removing blocks.

Managing Lists

Adding to whitelists
  • /blokker whitelist <list type> add (Block ID) - Adds the given block to the given list's whitelist. Note that this means all blocks of the block ID are added, for example, all colors of wool. For example, adding all types of stone brick to the TNT whitelist: /blokker w tnt add 98
  • /blokker whitelist <list type> add (Block ID) (Block Data) - Adds the given block with the given data to the given list's whitelist. The second value, Block Data, is for a block with specific data attached. For instance, adding red wool to the player whitelist would be: /blokker whitelist player add 35 14
Removing from whitelists
  • /blokker whitelist <list type> remove (Block ID) - Removes the given block from the given list's whitelist. Note that this means all blocks of the block ID are removed, unless a specific block (with data) had been previously added. For example, all colors of wool, provided a specific wool color was not added. Removing all types of stone brick from the TNT whitelist: /blokker w tnt remove 98
  • /blokker whitelist <list type> remove (Block ID) (Block Data) - Remove the given block with the given data from the given list's whitelist. The second value, Block Data, is for a block with specific data attached. For instance, removing green wool from the player whitelist would be: /blokker whitelist player remove 35 5
Adding to blacklists
  • /blokker blacklist <list type> add (Block ID) - Adds the given block to the given list's blacklist. Note that this means all blocks of the block ID are added, for example, all colors of wool. This would mean that all blocks of the given ID would become indestructible and un-placable. For example, adding all types of wool to the player blacklist: /blokker b player add 35
  • /blokker blacklist <list type> add (Block ID) (Block Data) - Adds the given block with the given data to the given list's blacklist. The second value, Block Data, is for a block with specific data attached. For instance, adding red wool to the player blacklist would be: /blokker whitelist player add 35 14
Removing from blacklists
  • /blokker blacklist <list type> remove (Block ID) - Removes the given block from the given list's blacklist. Note that this means all blocks of the block ID are removed, unless a specific block (with data) has been added as well. For example, all colors of wool, provided a specific wool color was not added. Removing all types of stone brick from the TNT blacklist: /blokker b tnt remove 98
  • /blokker blacklist <list type> remove (Block ID) (Block Data) - Remove the given block with the given data from the given list's blacklist. The second value, Block Data, is for a block with specific data attached. For instance, removing green wool from the player blacklist would be: /blokker blacklist player remove 35 5


  • /blokker info - This command returns the contents of all Blokker lists.


Currently, Blokker only supports a very rudimentary permissions system. In the future, lists will be able to be distinguished by groups and permissions. For now, all players are either admins or not. If the player has the admin permission, they are exempt from Blokker's limitations. Additionally, to run blokker commands, the player must have the blokker.all permission.

  • blokker.admin - If a player has this permission, they are exempt from all of Blokker's build and destroy limitations. Note, this does not apply to TNT placed or ignited by the player.
  • blokker.all - One simple permission to give access to all Blokker management commands. Individual command permissions may be included in future releases.


  • TNT chain reactions: If TNT explosions drop blocks and TNT is an allowed block (whitelisted or not blacklisted), TNT chain reactions can occur. Set the tntDropsItems property in the YML file to true - this is default behavior.


If you discover an issue or have a suggestion, feel free to PM me or send an email to [email protected]. Thanks for supporting Blokker!


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Oct 2, 2012
  • Last Released File
    Nov 29, 2012
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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