
BlockShow is a plugin that shows when a player breaks a block and when they place a block. This is my first ever on my own plugin. This will be an example: Ok lets say a player broke a block the console will send a message to the player that breaks it and will say "You broke a block", but it will say the blocks name. The same thing happens when you place a block as well but it says "You placed a Block", bit its name not block. Hope you enjoy my first plugin and if you want I will add more. This is the beta stage of this plugin.

What is BlockShow

BlockShow is in its first stage and not fully to what it can be, but this plugin helps to see what block you broke or what blocks you place.

BlockShow v0.2

BlockShow version 0.2 will have more to it then v0.1 this version will have a config to edit what it says when you break a block also it will have new commands. BlockShow will have its new features in the newest update.


If any bugs are found on this plugin please PM me as soon as possible so I can fix the problem super fast.

What BlockShow has...

BlockShow only has one thing at the moment so it doesn't have a config until v0.2 also no commands or permissions this plugin is intended to be used by the server admins or mods.

Thank you to everyone to your support on this plugin I hope to make more and add on to this plugin. Hope you guys like this plugin. Also keep in mind their is not commands at the moment for this plugin, as well as permissions. This plugin is best for admins or mods on your MC server.


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Nov 22, 2013
  • Last Released File
    Nov 24, 2013
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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