
/bomber <list|create|delete>
Permission: bomberminigame.admin
  • list                     Displays a list of all arenas
  • create <name>   Creates a new arena with given name
  • delete <name>   Deletes specified arena
/bconfig <arena name> <info | setsign | setpaste | addbluespawn | addredspawn | resetspawn | setlobby | tp | reset | schematic | setbounds1 | setbounds2 | setmaxplayers | setminplayers | setleaderboard | setgamelength>
Permission: bomberminigame.admin
  • info <name> Displays configuration information about given arena

  • setsign <name> Sets the join game sign to the sign your player is pointing at

  • setpaste <name> Sets the location to copy the schematic file from. Your player should be in the same location as when you did //copy (see tutorial video)

  • addbluespawn <name> Adds a spawnpoint for the blue team

  • addresspawn <name> Adds a spawnpoint for the red team

  • resetspawn <name> Deletes all spawn locations for both the blue team and the red team

  • setlobby <name> Sets the pre-game spawn location for players. Players wait in the lobby until there are enough players to start a game

  • tp <name> Teleports your player to the given arena

  • reset <name> Copies the schematic file into the world at the paste location. This happens automatically every time a game ends

  • schematic <name> Sets the schematic file. Use the name you saved the schematic file to (see tutorial video)

  • setbounds1 <name> Sets the first point for the bounding box. Players in game cannot destroy anything outside the bounds (see tutorial video)

  • setbounds2 <name> Sets the second point for the bounding box. Players in game cannot destroy anything outside the bounds (see tutorial video)

  • setmaxplayers <name> Sets maximum players allowed in arena

  • setminplayers <name> Sets minimum players needed to start a game

  • setleaderboard <name> Sets location for placing leaderboard (see tutorial video)

  • setgamelength <name> Sets the game length in minutes


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