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What is Bingo?

Bingo is a plugin inspired by lorgon111. This plugin allows you to simulate the game of Bingo in Minecraft! Bingo items may be customized and will be randomly picked from your list of items. Once you pick up an item that is on your Bingo Board, that item is cleared and you can move on to other items that you have not been cleared. If you can get 5 in a row either in a row, column, or diagonal, you win! This plugin is suppose to be used as a speed-run type of Fun Plugin, please enjoy your time and don't gamble!

What is the status currently?

Because that I am still in school, I do not plan to devote 100% of my time to this plugin, as I do have other personal plugins that I have to maintain. The plugin is in the Release/Beta stage, so nothing is set in stone yet. If you would like to suggest changes, please feel free to leave them in the comments below and I will get to them soon.

I am teamed up with another coder to provide this plugin through Plugin Request Website, if you have an idea, I encourage you to send it our way!


It should be pretty simple, download, drag, and drop into the plugins folder of your bukkit server. If something goes wrong, your console should show you a stacktrace (a long scary [SEVERE] error) or just a friendly reminder. I have not implemented all the error handling yet, so brace yourselves for some errors.

Basic Functions

This plugin is meant to a fun plugin, and serve as an event on a busy server.

When an administrator starts the game, all players are notified so they can choose if they want to join the game and gamble their wealth for victory! It's advised player do not have anything to start out with, so everyone have a fair chance.

This plugin supports color, just use your basic color symbol (&) and the code followed by it!


bingo.admin - Permission node for server administrator to do /bingo start


/bingo - Help menu

/bingo join - Join a Bingo Game

/bingo leave - Leave a Bingo Game

/bingo start - Start a Bingo Game


A sample Configuration can be found HERE

English Tutorial

Portuguese Tutorial

Unusable/Reserved IDs

In my plugin, it checks for illegal Item IDs and tell you in the configuration that they are un-obtainable without creative mode or cheats. Please stay away from those IDs. In addition, Nether Star and Paper are not allowed because Nether Star serves as the item for completion and Paper serves as the item for Bingo Card. Sorry for this inconvenience.

All Unusable IDs

To-Do List

1. Same items, but randomized item order on each player's card (Configurable)

2. Improvements and Efficiency

3. Hardcore mode (Get all items on the board)

4. Your opinions?!


If you want to see this plugin develop into something more sophisticated, feel free to shoot me a PM, and by showing me your support either through positive feedback and resources will help me keep going on Bukkit Dev and future Plugin Development.



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