
Multi Spleef - Commands


(formerly known as bcSpleef)

overview setup configuration source

commands permissions

You can use three main commands for all Spleef commands: /spleef, /msp and /bcs for legacy support. All commands do exactly the same.

User commands

/spleef join <id/name>Joins a game in the arena with the given id or name
/spleef leaveLeaves the current game of a player
/spleef voteVotes to start a game
/spleef top [count] [page]Shows the top Spleef players
/spleef stats [player]Shows the own Spleef statistics or the statistics of another player
/spleef achievements [player]Shows the own Spleef achievements or the achievements of another player
/spleef helpShows the help for Spleef (Only commands for which the player has permissions for are shown)

Staff commands

/spleef create [name]Creates an arena, you can give it a name. To create an arena, you have to select a Cuboid Selection. This selection has to contain at least 25% solid blocks at least one layer.
/spleef remove <name/id>Deletes an arena permanently. The statistics of this arena don’t get deleted
/spleef enable <name/id>Enables an arena for players. This command only works if the flag RESPAWN_LOC has been set before.
/spleef disable <name/id>Disables an arena, so that players cannot play in it
/spleef start [countdown] [name/id]Starts a game in an arena directly, regardless the votes of other players. When no countdown is given, the game starts with the value of the flag "COUNTDOWN". When the countdown is already running and this command is executed, the countdown gets altered to the new given value. When no "name/id" argument is given, the game of the executing player is started.
/spleef stop [name/id]Stops a game in an arena or the current game, if no argument is given.
/spleef editmask <name/id>Loads the mask editor for an arena
/spleef savemask <name/id>Saves the current state of the mask editor and closes it
/spleef flag <name/id> <flag> [value]Sets a flag for an arena. Flags are not case sensitive.
For detailed information and a list of flags see also: Configuration of arenas
/spleef defaultflag <flag> [value]Sets a default flag. Default flags are used when a new arena gets created.
For detailed information and a list of flags see also: Configuration of arenas
/spleef setname <name/id>Sets a new name for an arena
/spleef addgamemode <name/id> <gamemode>Adds a gamemode to an arena
/spleef removegamemode <name/id> <gamemode>Removes a gamemode from an arena
/spleef setgamemodes <name/id> <gamemodes>Sets one or more gamemodes for an arena. The gamemodes have to be seperated with commas.
/spleef forcegamemode <name/id> <gamemode>Enforces a gamemode for a game
/spleef prize <name/id> <place> <value>Sets a prize for reaching a place in a game
/spleef kick <player>Kicks a player out of his game
/spleef addlayer <name/id> [type] [params]Adds a layer to an arena.
For detailed information and a list of layer types see also: Configuration of arenas
/spleef changelayer <name/id> <type> [params]Changes a layer of an arena.
For detailed information and a list of layer types see also: Configuration of arenas
/spleef removelayer <name/id>Removes a layer from an arena
/spleef save <name/id>Saves an arena manually to the file system
/spleef reload [name/id]Reloads an arena from the file system. When no argument is given all arenas get reloaded
/spleef gameinfo <gameid>Shows some information about a game
/spleef arenainfo <name/id>Shows some information about an arena
/spleef gamehistory [page]Shows all past games
/spleef knockouthistory [page]Shows all past knockouts
/spleef listShows a list of all arenas
/spleef addlobbywall [startid]Creates a new lobbywall at the current WorldEdit selection. Optionally an id of an arena can be given with which the wall should start.
/spleef removelobbywallRemoves a lobbywall. You have to click onto the target wall after executing this command.
/spleef help flagsShows a list of all possible flags and their descriptions
/spleef help layersShows a list of all possible layer types and their descriptions
/spleef addspawn <name/id>Adds a custom spawn to an arena. If there is no spawn set, any suitable location is picked automatically when a player joins.
/spleef removespawn <name/id> <spawn-id>Removes a spawn from an arena
/spleef clearspawns <name/id>Removes all spawns from an arena
/spleef listspawns <name/id>Shows all spawns of an arena