API Tutorial

API Tutorial

This plugin has a very simple API.

First of all, you need a SignWallController. This can be any class that extends the class de.bibercraft.bcsignwalls.api.SignWallController.

Here is a simple examle, it's the SignWallController of bcSpleef:

package de.bibercraft.bcspleef.signwalls;

import de.bibercraft.bcsignwalls.api.SignWallController;
import de.bibercraft.bcsignwalls.wall.SignWall;
import de.bibercraft.bcspleef.BCSpleef;
import java.util.ArrayList;

 * @author Bernhard Geisberger
public class SpleefSignWallController implements SignWallController {

    private final BCSpleef plugin;
    private final ArrayList<ArenaWall> arenaWalls;

    public SpleefSignWallController(BCSpleef plugin) {
        this.plugin = plugin;
        this.arenaWalls = new ArrayList<>();

    public void updateArenaWalls() {
        for (ArenaWall w : arenaWalls) {

    public SignWall getWall(String name, String arg) {
        switch (name) {
            case "lobbywall":
                if (arg == null || arg.equals("")) {
                    ArenaWall w = new ArenaWall(plugin, 1);
                    return w;
                } else {
                    try {
                        ArenaWall w = new ArenaWall(plugin, Integer.parseInt(arg));
                        return w;
                    } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
        return null;


You have to register this Controller at the plugin. This is done like this:

BCSignWallsPlugin signWalls = ((BCSignWallsPlugin)plugin.getServer().getPluginManager().getPlugin("bcsignwalls"));
signWalls .registerPluginController("spleef", new SpleefSignWallController(plugin));

You also need some classes, which provide the content of a SignWall. For that, you have to create a class which extends de.bibercraft.bcsignwalls.wall.SignWall .

This class has one abstract method, which is

public abstract BcWallSign[][] getContent(int width, int height);

You only have to implement this method. The given width and height are the actual width and height of the display wall. The returned array must be created like this:

BcWallSign[][] content = new BcWallSign[height][width];

After that, you only have to insert your BCWallSigns into the array. The class BCWallSign is a container for the four lines of a sign and the commands which should exectued when clicking onto the sign. To understand how to create it, just look at the source: CLICK ME

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